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Bras » Ewa Michalak » S Syrena (790) » 60J 28:13

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage66.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band75.0
Band Length58.6
Cup width15.2
Cup depth28.9
Wire length28.3
Cup height19.1
Cup separation1.7
Gore height9.0
Wing height11.7
Strap width1.9

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  1. 1

    Didn't fit

    I love the color and materials on this bra. The inside liner is cotton and a lot softer on me than the CHP Noir, which just has the foam. I am still trying to experiment with which EM bras will work for my shape, semi-conical with a shallow upper portion. As expected, it’s too tall for my shape. There’s a good inch or so where my breast doesn’t meet the top. The bottom of the bra is completely filled out and if I place the cookie in, the bra becomes painfully too small on my larger side. However, the top gap does fold down and under a shirt you can’t tell that there is a gap. It's still worth keeping despite the tall cups.

    Edit: after washing the bra, the top gap is less immediately noticeable. The gore is also not tacking, if I press on it then the top gap closes up.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Oct 27, 2017 Flag this

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