i got this here on bratabase from another user- the "2" is actually the same bra measured and entered twice https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" /> i would call this like new, as everything still looks perfect. it doesn't fit unfortunately, but its so damn pretty! i wish it were a better fit https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" />
this bra has black lace cups with pink underlay on the bottom 2/3rds, which is much softer in color than my pictures make it appear. the top part of just lace seems to have some stretch to it. along the wires on the outside is a laced ribbon- ... my FAVORITE feature in a bra! Tutti Rouge Nichole seems to have this to- its so unique and beautiful, and i think its very flattering as well https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" /> there is also a small piece along the wing of the bra, where the lace ends and the mesh band begins. the straps have the same ribbon on the first half, so they're only partially adjustable. there is a small bow on the gore with some of the pink fabric and black lace overlay.
there appears to be a "sling" shape when you look on the inside of the bra cups- but i dont notice any extra layers of reinforcement or fabric. its just the same material as the double layer of fabric and lace as the cups, but it goes all the way tot he strap on the outside. it probably helps with shape, but i wouldnt think it would be as much of a sling as bras like the Panache Andorra.
the band on this is *very* snug for me- ive been between a 34 and 32. i can fasten it, but *just*, i used an extender because otherwise its too tight and pulls the wires out of shape. the cup is also too large for me. the wire width is fine, but i think it is too deep/projected for my large-shallow shape. the straps are also too wide for me, probably because the band is too small and it skews where the straps lie.
hopefully someone else can find a good fit in this! its incredibly gorgeous, but sadly not a match for me.
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Updated on Jun 05, 2014 Flag this