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Bras » Fit Fully Yours » Zora Moulded (B1212) » 34I 34:9

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band83.8
Band Length71.1
Cup width16.5
Cup depth26.7
Wire length33.0
Cup height24.1
Cup separation2.5
Gore height7.6
Wing height10.8
Strap width1.9

1 measurement - 1 bra

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  1. 1

    Didn't fit

    The cups do not fit my larger side, however it feels extremely supportive and likely where my breasts should be sitting on my chest- higher up than my current bra. The wings fabric is odd so I suspect it's meant to be a smoothing back fabric. The cups actually line up correctly on my IMF on my smaller (right side) and provide a lot of room so there is no chafing from fabric. Low wires. The gore does not tack however, it's low enough that it won't stick out in a shirt or violently poke me. The overlap doesn't bother me and it's how I've worn my current bra for years with no issue (although yes I know it's not "supposed" to be like that but you take what you can get!)

    Updated on Nov 01, 2022 Flag this

    • 1

      This actually looks really good on smaller side. The wings must be designed to be smoothing (I guess!) because it looks like the wing fabric is quite tall.

      Would you try this one cup up so it fits your larger side (and you could just pad the smaller side), or do you think it's close enough.

      I'm actually surprised this molded cup fits you so well! Usually they're fit disasters, lol.

    • 1

      They do have a 34J so I’m willing but I have a sneaking suspicion it will be too big. I’ve never been successful with moulded cups!

    • I also tried a molded (well, spacer) cup about a year ago. Total shape mismatch, lol.

      Try Empreinte Melody or Cassioppee!! If you go to the bra store.

    • I mean, you totally don't have to!! I'm just curious if it would work for you.

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