This bra, I want so much for it to fit. The color and quality is beautiful, but the fit just isn't right. It runs a little tight for a 30, I'd say, but the real issue is with the cups: Perhaps part of the issue is also the tightness (causing the band to pull on the wire) but even with an extension the cups are too wide and I can't get the wire to sit flat against my chest. The overall volume of the cup is pretty close (no gaping or anything) except that I don't fill out the very sides of the cup. And because of all of this, the bra really doesn't do much for my shape: kind of a minimizing effect. So, probably, a 32E would fit me better, but unfortunately there's no way for me to try that out... It's a shame, because it seems to otherwise be a supportive bra.
Updated on Aug 25, 2014 Flag this