Bras » Flirtelle » Alice Balconette Bra (FL7801)
Flirtelle Alice Balconette Bra (FL7801)
Since AW2016 More...
Wrong style or size,bra suggestions?
2 suggestions
Not sure if wires are too short/tall or just too wide.
3 suggestions
Little wrinkles several places, what's wrong?
4 suggestions
Gore not tacking
3 suggestions
Center wrinkling - fit problem?
2 suggestions
Problem with wrinkles in the cup and the center gore. Or is it a good fit?
2 suggestions
Wrong cup size?
1 suggestion
In-cup quadding, top lace wrinkly and empty :(
3 suggestions
Empty space at the wire, plus quadding. Am I wrong about my shape?
2 suggestions
This fits, right? 32H CK Florence
5 suggestions