Regular Deco and I parted ways about a year ago, after I accepted that its gore would always be too damn wide. I picked up the longline with low expectations and high hopes (from a store with free shipping) and...its gore is too damn wide. It doesn't tack, either--my projected, center-full boobs push the cups out and I get quadboob. So much quadboob. But the sides of the cups are empty enough that I think this is probably the correct cup volume for me (somewhere around a 28GG/H these days), so it does seem to run big in the cup, much like the Deco plunge. It's hard to gauge when the shape is so off...much like the Deco plunge. I really don't know what I was expecting.
I have a flared ribcage, so longline bands often fit me kind of oddly. This one feels comfortably snug and very supportive. If the cup shape were even slightly compatible with my breasts I'd probably keep it just for that--more strapless longlines, please!
Updated on Apr 23, 2014 Flag this