Overall, I think this is a really cute and overall comfy bra, but unfortunately it doesn't really suit my shape.
My favorite part about it is the print, especially on the straps. I like wearing it with tank tops and camisoles because my straps are so cute, and not an ugly nude/black/white. I also like the way the half-cup looks. Overall, a very cute bra.
Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to give up anything that isn't a plunge, because no matter what I do the center gore digs into me. I think it's because my boobs are so close together that I literally don't have any ... space between them, just a skin web with some breast tissue under it. This bra, like most half-cups, doesn't work well for close-together boobs.
One thing I noticed is that this bra has pretty wide wires for a Freya. This would work well for someone with far apart boobs. Unfortunately, this also means the straps are pretty far apart. They slide off my shoulders a lot. Not good for narrow shoulders.
I rated it down a little on quality because the inside fabric/light padding on mine is slightly bigger than the outside fabric, and this causes a minor wrinkle. Luckily, it's hardly noticeable, especially with a shirt over it.
Even with the shape problems, it's still a bra I wear regularly--it's comfortable otherwise and the cuteness makes up for it!
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Updated on Aug 29, 2012 Flag this