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Bras » Freya » Fancies Gathered Support Cup Sheer Chemise (1018) » XS

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length67.0
Bust perimeter84.0
Cup width16.0
Cup depth21.0
Cup height17.0
Cup separation0.6
Gore height6.0
Wing height6.0
Strap width1.3

1 measurement - 1 bra

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    I wasn't really impressed with the Freya Fancies Bralette, which I've tried twice now, but I decided to give the Chemise a try since I was able to pick up a matching set from Breakout Bras for a great price. I was surprised to discover that though the measurements and construction are similar, the Chemise ended up feeling much more comfortable than the Bralette although I ordered the same size.

    The cups of my Chemise are a bit deeper vertically than the Bralette equivalent, so I didn't feel that they were quite as constrictive and minimizing. Because the cups fit better, the straps place less pressure on ... the armhole elastic and this feels much more comfortable than the intolerable elastic on the Bralettes. The band seam is a bit looser on this Chemise than the Bralettes, but in the Chemise construction, it doesn't feel like an issue because the style isn't meant to be very snug under the bust. Therefore, I am quite pleased with the fit of this Chemise!

    The upper portion is constructed exactly the same as the Bralette, but instead of the wide lace trim, there are two diagonal lace inserts on either side, and the skirt portion is simple mesh with a slight A line cut. I am 5'1" and the length of the chemise does feel a bit long for my tastes, as it is about 2-3" longer than my other chemises from brands like Victoria's Secret, but I'm sure a taller person wouldn't notice it. Overall, the materials are soft (except the thick armhole elastic), and comfortable for sleep. The only trim is a small polka dotted ribbon bow at the center gore.

    This is a surprisingly nice choice for a sleep chemise given the troubles with the Fancies Bralette. I think this style is worth a try as the cups seem to be deeper, and you should be OK to order your normal chemise size.

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    Updated on Jul 26, 2020 Flag this

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