Was super psyched to get this bra as "Monet" is one of my favorites: Rave review here: http://bra.pe/Mhe/. This bra should be identical in every way and it mostly is: foam cup material, mesh overlay, lace trim, strap elastic... Except I noticed the cups are shorter and so I pop-out more!! It's difficult to explain.. it's not exactly quad-boob but it's not really to say that the center gore doesn't sit flat. I keep adjusting myself to see if I can do all of the following: A) cover my areolas with the cups, B) have the center gore sit flat AND C) get all my breast ... tissue into the cups.
Placing the Keisha onto the Monet and vice-versa it is so easy to see that the cups are different heights. Turns out Keisha measures -.5cm shorter than Monet. It leaves me with an uneasy feeling if I were to wear it all Summer long, something I was *very excited* to do! I am having second thoughts about one of my most-anticipated bra purchases of the Summer... back it went to the UK. https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" /> https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" />
Purchased & Returned from Bravissimo, Mid-June 2011. Measured unstretched immediately before wearing for Bratabase.
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Updated on Nov 09, 2011 Flag this