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Bras » Freya » Taylor Strapless (4973) » 28FF 28:8

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage68.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band71.7
Band Length60.6
Cup width14.8
Cup depth22.6
Wire length25.2
Cup height16.9
Cup separation2.1
Gore height7.4
Wing height10.3

1 measurement - 1 bra

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  1. 0

    Didn't fit

    Bought it 2 years ago and I've only worn it as a strapless on the rare occasion I need one. When I bought it, I was a bit smaller, and now it is too tight; I'd be more comfortable in a 30 band. Aside from that, the wing comes quite high in my armpit, and after a couple of hours I just want to get rid of it. Someone with longer torso would probably find it better.

    As a strapless, it works well; gives nice shape and stays in place. Cup is molded and doesn't accommodate to your breast shape, so even with shape incompatibilities, it looks good.

    Overall, it is hard to judge the fit, since I know it's too small in band, but at least I can tell that it is good quality, beautiful appearance, band is tight for Freya; the wires are quite wide and wings are high, so not recommended if you have very short torso.

    Updated on Sep 18, 2014 Flag this

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