This bra has a wide center panel that is unsuited for my center-full, close-set breasts. The design moves my tissue into my armpits. And, a seam there sits on my breasts. Grrrr" alt=";-)" />
The band is a 3/8" piece of soft elastic. This elastic provides little support. If I were designing, this elastic would be 1" wide. Cup fabric is soft, but the lace decorations are scratchy. This may remedy itself in the wash. Overall, the construction looks good and should suit wide, shallow, wide-set breasts. It is incompatible with my, opposite, breast characteristics.
Without a bra, my breasts sit significantly more "front and center." This bra moves them swiftly to my armpits and provides no lift. Unimpressed.
Light Grey 2017 colorway
This bra is not owned any more
Updated on Dec 14, 2018 Flag this