This is a pretty good bra. It is very sturdy, very well made. It has lasted me a long time. It hasn't stretched much. After about 3 years, the lycra still has a lot of springiness. The cups are lined thickly. The inside is a little wrinkly, but the outside looks OK.
I love the boning on the sides, it really helps keep under armpit tissue in place.
The main problem I have is that the cups are too small for my body. The gore doesn't touch my chest, and the underwires don't really go under my boobs, they go around them. So the straps are doing most of the work, and it doesn't provide me with great support. My breasts hang lower than they should.
The straps are not as thick and padded as the regular (full figure) Tisha Bra, but they are easier to tighten, and stay at the length you set for a good amount of time.
Updated on Jan 08, 2014 Flag this