This bra is probably going to be my new favorite bra.
It is beautiful - the pattern on the cup, the lace edging both at the top of the cup and the bottom of the gore, and the deep purple color. It is comfortable - even without breaking it in yet I think it'll be more comfortable than my 36H - Elomi » Caitlyn Underwire Side Support (8030) , which is saying something. And it fits great on me.
There's just one thing that's bugging me - I bought it expecting to get a subtle, rounded shape (since that seems to be most common, looking at other ... owners on here and ABTF). When I first put it on and swooped-and-scooped, it gave me a more cakes-on-plates look, similar to how my 36HH - Cleo » Lucy (5851) looks. When I gave my breasts a few minutes to settle in, the effect is lessened and it becomes much more rounded, but my smaller breast retains more of the pointy look. None of my other bras really highlight the difference between my breasts like that, but it's also caused me to realize that my asymmetry is more shape-related than size (my 'smaller' breast has much less upper fullness than the larger).
So, basically, very little upper fullness may cause you to get a pointier shape than anticipated in this bra, but otherwise it's great and I want five more of them.
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Cassis colorway
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Updated on Dec 24, 2014 Flag this
I love the purple! I would be tempted to buy it, but the projection is not enough for me so the wires keep slipping down and hurting me. I do see your shape in this bra is very different from mine - interesting. I have it in black.