This bra provides good support and it stays put when arms are swinging. It helps control side to side bouncing. Like most sports bras, it has a definite constricting effect, and it doesn't flatter one's figure in any way. The one reason I wouldn't recommend this bra to anyone with similar breasts is that the cups are terrible. They are wireless, but they enclose the breasts around the sides with a sewn-in inner support sling The front of the cups enclose the outer part of the breasts around the sides and the top, which stretches the inside layer over the breasts, causing the ... outside layers to wrinkle. This design has the effect of making the nipples look exposed, and it makes me feel like my very sensitive nipples are vulnerable, rather than protected. The front of the bra appears to have two circles directly over the nipples, and because the outer layer wrinkles, to me they look like nursing pads that are ready to be changed. I've tried using "no peek" pads and nipples covers, but nothing stops the wrinkling, and my nipples wind up showing through. This bra looks strange because of the outer cups, so I wouldn't wear it alone even around the house.
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Updated on May 24, 2013 Flag this