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Bras » Simply Perfect By Warner's » Size range » 38D » Reviews

Simply Perfect By Warner's

  1. Secret Makeover Underwire Bra (TA4031)



    Didn't fit

    I recently discovered my REAL bra size (34DD-E) and was desperate to try something from an actual store I could walk into and wear on my body. I'm not too keen on the idea of ordering online and being unsure of the fit.

    Well, Walmart was definitely a no-go, as they only carry the standard US sizes, so I directed my husband to Target instead. He proceeded to scour the racks for 34DD sized bras with me, and found The Only One in the store for me to try. I took a few 34Ds as well to try on, but they were, of course, all fail.

    The ... class="mentioned-item">Warner's brand bra was the only 34DD, and it seemed "okay" in the store. In desperation for something, I just bought it, but now that I've had it for a few days, I can see a lot of issues with it fit-wise.

    Firstly, this bra only fits me when I'm standing up with my shoulders back and straight. If I sit, or slouch, or roll my shoulders forward at all, I find HUGE gaps in cup fit. Clearly this type of cup is not for me, as I have rather shallow, weight-on-bottom breasts. This cup could be good for a weight-on-top girl.

    Secondly, this bra cuts into my armpit and leaves very raw red marks. I've not tried to modify it at all, but I may attempt to bend out the underwire a tad in the future.

    The band is FAR too stretchy, IMO. In the store, it was very comfortably tight on the last column of hooks, but when I got it home, I needed the middle column. The second time I wore it at home, I had to close it up to the first column. Not good.

    Above all, I HATE that Target mislabled this bra as something it was not. A 38D is NOTHING close to a 34DD, damnit! No wonder I got it home and the band is all stretched out and the bloody thing won't fit properly! It wasn't actually my size!

    Those were the worst of it, really. Ill-fitting cups, too-stretchy band, and god-awfully uncomfortable, poking underwire. This is what I DID like about this bra:

    I LOVED the band width! Bands in the sizes I've always worn previously are always really skinny, and this nice wide band keeps the bra In Place, which I thought was great. The band itself, sans underwire, is really comfortable.

    I LOVED the gore. This is the first time I've ever in my life had a comfortable gore that fit against my sternum without either flopping back off of it or digging in there. If I could change the cup a little and fix the wires, I would love this bra for all day wear.

    Lessons learned from this shopping experience? Quit being desperate, triple-check fit, watch out for those pokey underwires, and ALWAYS CHECK THE SIZE ON THE BRA ITSELF!
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    Updated on May 29, 2013 Flag this

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