Bought this bra ~3 years ago when I didn't really have any boobs to speak of, I think it was too large for me then and now it is way too small in the cup but still too large in the band (and it's stretched out since then). Probably a decent bra for someone with small boobs or first growing into their boobs, my problem was that shopping in the junior's section at Kohl's they didn't sell band sizes smaller than 34 inches so I thought this must be my size.
I just added this bra even though I got rid of it years ago because I teenager it well. I would not regiment it for anyone. Period. It was cheap, and it behaved as such. The band stretched out within a week and the straps stretched being anything that should've been possible. I wore it until i physically couldn't anymore because it made it look like I actually had boobs, but it was an overall awful bra.