Overall very good quality. Bought it on sale for $9 SGD, originally $69 or $59 (can’t quite remember). I love that the wires are narrower, and the cups are deeper than most others. Not really a fan of the shape it gives me. It’s pretty bumpy and rough looking under clothing. The band might be too big but I could alter it. The side fabric is quite rough, such that it kind of hurts the skin near my arm pits. Also I would like to add that Sorella bras tend to be smaller than other brands.
It was a listing alert that drove me to this bra, and even though the measurement suggested touch-and-go fit, this bra is very comfy and nicely hugs my girls. The gore doesn't tack, but that is so far the only sin of this bra. It's going to be my fave lounge wear bra!
Wow, it arrived in Poland in record time! Thanks for measuring and posting pictures!