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Bras » Triola » Size range » 70J - 32:10 » Reviews

  1. (22751)

    I'm so happy at the moment, this is the first time for me to be able to go to a store and try on bras that would actually fit. Triola is a traditional local brand with all the good and bad that comes with that. Until recently, they didn't generally make cups bigger than a G or sometimes H (F-FF). But this changed with their new line "like you" which is aimed at young ladies with a small underbust and D+ cups.

    The measurments will have to wait until the evening as I refuse to take the bra off. As with everything, there are downsides and upsides. But ... the superior comfort is really something that wins this bra about a million points in my book. It is lightly padded and the material is very soft, there is no poking or tension anywhere. It is very supportive and I love the strong material of the band. I'm also very happy with the look, the black/white pattern of the fabric combined with bright red straps and decorative buttons makes it seem very playful and daring. In terms of the fit - it's not 100% made for someone of my shape, but there are specific areas in which the bra solves some of my reoccuring fitting issues excellently (armpit, strap placement), so I'm more than willing to overlook some minor concerns (cup shape).

    This is the first bra I own that really supports good posture and helps the back carry the weight at the front with clever weight-distribution. This is even more apparent when the straps are clipped into an X at the back - it is tricky to clip it and unclip it by yourself, but it's by no means impossible. Other special feature is a "flexi-underwire", which means that the end (about 1cm) near the armpit is bendy. Therefore there are no hard, firm edges that you'd feel, it can't poke you even with the wildest contortions you can think of - also probably because of this the bra can run higher under the armpit without causing discomfort, so it contains tissue better without compromises comfort-wise.

    Also finally this is a bra with strap placement compatible with a wide upper chest and upright posture - most bras I own fight with me and want me to slouch due to the arm cutout being too generous and strap placement too narrow in the front. Not this one. Absolutely perfect, concentrates all the tissue into the cup instead of allowing it to escape near the arm as is the case with so many bras.

    Now for the not-so-good. It is apparent this is a bra for wide breasts with not much inner fullness. Or maybe for a differently shaped ribcage (I have a prominent sternum that's pushing my bras out into a more triangular position than they're designed for, never found anything that solved that). Due to this problem I'm not getting much forward projection. Triola is however known for aiming at a nice round shape and the silouhette from the front view is very pleasant. The issue is not compromising comfort, however, which is the most important thing.

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    Updated on Apr 24, 2015 Flag this

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