I measured myself for the first time a few days ago and found that I was around 30F (30" at the base, 36.5-37" at fullest). I ordered a bunch of bras from Nordstrom to try on and return, and of all of them this one fit the best! The band feels pretty tight, but I have been wearing 34 or 36 C or D for years, so I think I just need to adjust to the world of well-fitting bras. I'm so excited - besides adjusting to the band it's comfy, it covers my boobs completely, no quadraboob, doesn't change shape when I sit down or when I have terrible posture...overall excellent! As of 1 hr into ownership at least https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" />
I also tried this one in 30F (nude) - the band was way too tight but the cups fit perfectly. I will stick with 32E but I think in general this is just a good shape for me.
Updated on Oct 10, 2012 Flag this