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Bras » The Little Bra Company » Angela (3401) » 30B 30:2

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage71.1
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band75.6
Band Length60.3
Cup width10.7
Cup depth12.1
Wire length14.6
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.0
Gore height1.4
Wing height7.0
Strap width1.3

2 measurements - 2 bras

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  1. 0

    Didn't fit

    I really wanted to like this one because it gives good cleavage and is a good convertible T-shirt option for petite women. However, the cups are WAY too small for me -- I think I would probably need a 30D which TLBC doesn't offer. I like that the straps are close together enough that the straps never fall off, but this is just not the bra for me.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Apr 19, 2015 Flag this

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  2. 0

    Didn't fit

    I got professionally fit into a 30B in this bra and even though the bra calculator put me at a 28DD. The band felt very tight compared to a 30" bra from Lula Lu petite. The cup fit very strange on me. I'm full on bottom with shallow breasts. The top gapped but the cups could not hold my breasts when I used the scoop and tuck method. My boobs would get creased and a fold developed on my sternum and my nipples would peek out over the top. The shape is also a bit more conical and pointy than I would like. The material however is very nice and soft. The straps would not stay put where I adjusted them, however. There is only one hook for the closure.

    Cream colorway

    Updated on Apr 14, 2015 Flag this

    • Show all comments (10)
    • It sounds like the wires were way too narrow for you and the cup shape did not respect your natural tissue distribution, so your boobs wouldn't stay in. Are you looking for a better bra?

    • 1

      Good luck with your search. Almost all of the 30B bras I own have more room in the cups than this bra, going by the measurements.

    • wendybien Yes I am starting to look into 28DD,30D range for balconette type bras. I am still a bit skeptical of being able to fill such large cups so I might try ones in a 30C range if that is the case.

      runs_with_scissors Thank you! I must admit it is a rather frustrating/expensive endeavor.

    • Some of the calculators put me in a 28DD as well. I have a bunch of new bras coming in the mail soon (I might attack my mail carrier tomorrow, lol) so maybe my fit experiences with those will be useful to you.

    • 1

      runs_with_scissors That would be awesome :) I have a few coming in soon as well so we can share our experiences!

    • 1

      Just a general PSA here, don't confuse "large" cups with projected ones. Many women with shallower breast shapes are CONVINCED they have tiny tiny tiny boobs when really they don't (including a certain blogger who shall remain nameless). So they basically never look at cups larger than B when in fact they need a C, D or DD--just a very wide shallow shape with wires that extend out to accommodate the slope of the sideboob, instead of a narrow projected cup shape.

      I'm not saying this is necessarily you, but just throwing that out there. Many somehow seem not even to SEE the volume of their boob tissue that is located on the outer side of the breast--which is naturally where the fullest part will be on a lot of women in this size range. I think our culture must be too obsessed with cleavage or something--so many people think if you don't have any fullness at the center then your boobs are virtually flat. In fact you can have less than 1/2 inch tissue depth near the cleavage, but 2-2.5" depth at the outside of the boob that extends up higher than you'd think and that, yes, needs to be supported. I have actually sat down with friends and taken a marker to a profile photo of them in a bikini and outlined their actual breast mass and told them YO, ALL THIS IS YOUR BOOB! They were astonished. In their minds "my breast" was the 45% that was covered by ill-fitting and overly projected bra cups.

    • 1

      wendybien Those are really good points! I think what is a little daunting is finding those bras that do support a wider shape and for sideboob. I feel that a lot of bras seem to cater more for projected shapes. But I am finally (through some swaps) going to try some bigger cupped bras and hopefully I'll find one that fits me properly. I also agree and even admit to falling prey to our collective admiration of cleavage. Thank you for taking the time to give us all that info!

    • Oh, you're welcome, I'm severely addicting to both bras and giving advice, as anyone who hangs around here can tell you ;-) Good luck finding the right cup shape and size!

    • 1

      What's crazy is that when you do have a lot of Center fullness there's hardly any options for you. I have a theory that very large cup sizes are center full which probably gives the idea that your breasts are not large if they are not center full but it doesn't go both ways.

    • 1

      Very true xelestial !

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