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Bras » Comexim » Basic Plunge Bra (170) » 60HH 28:9

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage69.1
B. perimeter24.0
Stretched Band72.4
Band Length55.4
Cup width12.9
Cup depth22.1
Wire length22.6
Cup height15.5
Cup separation1.7
Gore height6.8
Wing height9.7
Strap width1.6

17 measurements - 25 bras

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  1. 4

    Didn't fit

    Get alterations if you're short and have a narrow frame - seriously. I'm a big fan of this bra, though I do feel that the band is riding up. Maybe this has a stretchy band? I might have to invest in a 55 band or something for the Basic model, oddly enough. I guess a 55J is where I need to go for this, which sounds crazy to me but I guess isn't that crazy.
    The cups have been lowered, as has the gore, and the straps have been moved inward. I am positive this would be too tall and would hurt my armpits, otherwise. My bigger breast is coming out near the gore whilst my smaller one is sitting pretty. Not sure what to do about that. Would one cup size up end up being too much? It's not uncomfortable, but the seams show through clothes on my larger side (left boob) and don't on my smaller side.

    Updated on May 29, 2015 Flag this

    • 1

      "thinking all bras will make your boobs look like one half of a basketball" LOL

      Does your gore tack? Do the straps feel close enough?

      I've been considering a custom order with straps moved in and reduced cup, but your cups still look so tall and straps still look so far! Maybe I am just shape incompatible/Lily-spoiled.

    • 1

      Also, on the details: it seems like Comexim just uses whatever they have in stock whenever? For example, my beige Basic has the pearl on the bow, and also has lace detailing sewn all the way up the front of the straps. This actually makes the straps more supportive/less stretchy, so I don't have to tighten them as much. I've seen other beige basics with different/no strap detailing seemingly at random.

    • 1

      LOL but really, I'm still very shocked when my boobs don't look like perfect half-spheres! The gore does tack. I do want the straps moved further inward, so I guess on my next order I'll be like "move them way further than you'd ever do this", and I really could stand to have the cup height shortened more. My inner fullness is bulging out but the top is still out in no-boob land, though not as bad as the 60K I tried. I'll ask for extra height reduction, too.
      I wonder why they have so much variation with that! I wish I had some detailing on these straps - they're also almost an inch wide, which is kinda crazy, and they are very very stretchy. Thank you for telling me that! I'll have to keep all of this in mind...

    • NP! Some lace on straps could be added to yours easily. I'm sure a tailor would do it for like $5, or anyone with any sewing knowledge (read: not me!). I can send you pictures of how they stitched it on if that's something you'd be interested in.

      Also, I'm not sure if they would do a more extensive alteration (something Asophisticatedpair said in one of her blog posts somewhere), so be doubly sure. Sophpair also replied to one of my comments on one of her posts and said Comexim is developing a new cut which would be more balconette-like, so I'm holding out for that.

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  2. 3


    After owning it for a bit and wearing it a few times, I love my Comexim bra even more. Full review featured on my blog!" alt=":)" />

    Updated on Apr 07, 2013 Flag this

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    • I'm considering ordering this bra, and I've read your blog review about it (which is great btw! So thorough!). Umm... I'd like your opinion on sizing. Last time I measured myself (3 weeks ago) my breast perimeter was 90.5 cm without a bra (I have very, very firm breasts, and they are shallow so it doesn't make much of a difference when I wear a non-padded bra or not). My underbust measured snugly (not too snug, comfortably snug with a small hint of cutting-in) is 71 cm, my rip-the-tape measurement (as far as I physically could do without breaking something, lol) is 69 cm and and my very loosest measurement is 74 cm (as loose as possible without making the tape measure fall down).

      Could you please provide me with your own measurements? Especially the three different ribcage measurements. It could help me tremendously understanding what kinda band size I would need in the basic bra from Comexim. I wouldn't consider myself squishy, but I'm not the leanest chick on Bratabase either :P (I'm not fat nor skinny I guess, somewhere in the middle so my squishyness is neither "big" nor "small")

      Also, what kinda boob shape do you have? Mine are very high on chest, full on top and shallow. I guess the full on top shape is there since my boobs are shallow. Shallow boobs usually don't have much projection and they are distributed higher on the chestwall so although one could be shallow and be the same size as someone with narrow roots (I understood from your review you have narrow roots) and deep boobs, they might not fit into the same bra. Last time I checked, my natural projection standing up straight was only 4.5 cm (measuring with a yard stick from underneath the boob crease and to where the projection stops). Shallow boobs are usually synonymous with being wide-rooted, and mine kinda are (I'm very petite so proportionally they LOOK wide-rooted), but at the same time they're not. I struggle a lot with finding underwires that are narrow enough for me and so far I haven't. I guess Comexim would be great in that aspect, narrow enough wires.

    • It would be my pleasure! :) And I'm so glad to hear you liked the review!

      Here are my measurements:
      Underbust: 71.12cm loose, 68.58cm snug, 66cm break the band tight
      Bust: 90.17cm standing, 92.71 leaning and on back

      In terms of boob shape, I have somewhat soft breasts that have even fullness on top and bottom, but I lack upper pole thickness (basically they appear to be a little shallow and they start about four fingers width below my collar bone, but I'm not more full on top than full on bottom, and standing I look more like I'm full on bottom). I also have a particularly narrow root. Literally every bra I have tried except for Comexim has wires that range from slightly to entirely too wide, though Michalaks fit pretty well too.

      I hope that helps!

    • That helped a lot! :) I'm not done yet with my questions though haha, hope you don't mind :) Okay, so our boobs are very different but kinda similar in size. Do you think this bra would be suitable for someone with *very* full on top boobs that sit very high on the chest? My boobs start ON TOP of my collarbones, not even a finger width apart, literally on top of my collarbones! The tissue starts there. Okay, I was just lying on my back while checking that, now when I straightened up and sat down, the tissue of course still begins where it did before, but it's visible to the eye three finger widths below the collarbones. With the support of a bra, the tissue starts on top of my collarbones (not higher though, lol), and really, the only thing that matters is how my boobs will behave in a bra so... Yeah, on top of my collarbones.

      Your loose measurement differs about 3 cm from mine.
      Your snug measurement differs about 2.5 cm from mine.
      Your break the band measurement differs 3 cm from mine.

      What we can conclude is that we're ridiculously similar in "squishyness". My loose vs rip-the-tape measurement = Exactly 5 cm difference. Your loose vs. rip-the-tape measurement= 5,12 cm

      That makes it a lot easier for you to help me decide on which band size that would be probable for me, since we don't have to take into account the squishyness factor. What kinda underbust measurement were you using when you decided on which band size to go for? What's the size Comexim suggests for you, and how did you choose the size that you did? Comexim's website suggests I should order a 70D or a 70E (70D says 88-90 cm bust, 70E says 90-92 cm bust and my bust is 90.5 cm) but I suspect it would be too big for me in the band, I'm not sure though. I'm really uncertain what measurement to go for regarding the cup size as well.

    • Haha, don't mind at all! :) I don't know that I can confidently say that this bra would be excellent for very full on top breasts, but I can say it would likely not work extremely well for full on bottom breasts, as I am pretty balanced and don't 100% full the very tip tops of the cups on my smaller breast. In terms of the collar bone issue, my four finger width measurement comes from when I'm standing-- if I'm laying on my back, my boobs seem to start more like right at my collar bone as well, though because they are a bit softer they do lay off to the sides a bit.

      Now, I've heard you're pretty petite (;) ), and this is obviously going to impact how the bra sits on your torso...something short might look 'normal', but something tall might look huge. I'm petite myself, but I don't think quite as petite on you. I would expect the cups would 'look' a little larger on your body than mine, considering. I don't know how scientific this is, but can you give me a measurement between your collar bone and your xiphoid process? Mine is about 6"(15.24cm). I'm not sure if this bra would cut off too much for you at the tops of your boobs, but I suspect it would work reasonably well for a full-on-top shape.

      In terms of determining the band, I chose my band based off of what I usually wear, so chose 60 because I virtually always wear a 28 band (the only brand I likely won't be wearing a 28 in anymore is Ewa, because the Cielus I got was RIDICULOUSLY tight). I ignored their band suggestions, chose my normal band size, and then chose cup size based off of my standing measurement, which is actually more accurately between 89-90 cm (I struggle a bit measuring in cm because I'm a silly American and am not used to it). So I chose HH because it's range is 88-90, and didn't want it to be too large. This method worked really well for me.

    • I didn't even know what the xiphoid process meant before I looked it up on wikipedia :P Anyway, the distance between my collarbone and the xiphoid process is actually larger on me than you. It's exactly 18 cm. I'm guessing this means that the fear you had it'll swamp me is gone? I mean, if my measurement is bigger than yours, isn't it likely I won't experience any problems due to this?

    • That's what I was wondering :) I'm not sure how much that measurement might actually help, because maybe your collar bone sit higher than mine and the distance is a little longer, but because the gore will typically sit right over/on your xiphoid process, that might suggest that it will fit similar to mine? Just a hypothesis :) I don't know that you would experience any issues because of it being longer, though, as you would likely just adjust the straps. Also, because your boobs sit higher on your chest, that's going to impact where the bra sits, and perhaps you have more rib below your breasts than mine (since my breasts sit slightly lower than middle on my chest).

      So, all of that... of course it's totally up to you, but it might work well! :) It's hard to say without seeing someone else with firmer, high-set, full-on-top breasts wearing them, but my best guess is that this would work better for full on bottom than full on top, so long as you have a narrow root. It's a bit cheaper than Ewas as well, which I personally found attractive.

    • Now you're confusing me. Did you just say the opposite of what you meant? "I don't know that I can confidently say that this bra would be excellent for very full on top breasts, but I can say it would likely not work extremely well for full on bottom breasts, as I am pretty balanced and don't 100% full the very tip tops of the cups on my smaller breast." That's what you said higher up in the comment section, and now you're saying that it would likely work better for someone full on bottom rather than full on top? Did you phrase yourself wrong or did you realize something in the middle of it and changed your mind? :P

    • Dangit!! Sorry, that was a mistake, I meant to say "this would work better for full on top rather than full on bottom" :)

    • No problem! :) I'm glad we sorted it out. Phew! Lucky me! :D If it would've been the other way around I would've never had a chance with this bra. Maybe I'll try it some day :)

      The hooks are lightly verging on straining on you using the loosest setting (I'm not implying it's a bad fit, it actually looks great, but any more strain would've been bad). How's the fit if you would describe it in words? Are you able to tug it away from you in the back using your hand or is it like "glued" to you? How far are you able to tug it back without using any excessive force? (Just lightly, as you would with a sweater for example, you would proabably not be aiming to pull as hard as you can to test the stretch, just lightly)

      The reason I'm wondering is because I suspect I'll be needing a bigger band size than you, since my snug measurement is 2.5 cm bigger than your snug measurement. I'm not sure how many cm it needs to differ before you need to go up in band size... Gosh, this is hard haha :P But your input is definitely helping! Maybe if you can answer this question, I'll have an answer for my own question (if I need to size up); would you still be able to comfortably wear this bra if it was an inch smaller in the back? Or would you need an extender? (I'd be happy to wear an extender IF the fabric is likely to stretch out in like a months time for me to be able to use the looset hook, if NOT I'd rather size up since I think it looks prettier not to use an extender in the long run)

    • I hope you get to as well, it's definitely unique among bras! :)

      I've noticed the pulling as well, but the strange thing is this bra does not sit too tightly on my body. I definitely have tried on bras that are way too tight, but this one barely leaves any marks on my sternum when I take it off. I've wondered about the straining too, but there is no pain or discomfort, and I think a size up would start to ride up. I can easily pull the band about 2-3 inches away from my body without using excessive force. I think it's just under an inch between the tightest and loosest setting (maybe 3/4 inch), and I can still wear it on the tightest setting, although it is snug, so I don't think I would quite need an extender if it was an inch smaller, it would just be pretty snug on the loosest column of hooks. I am expecting that the fabric is going to stretch out with time, of course :)

    • 1

      :) ! Sorry for asking so many questions haha, I must be a pain :P It's just that I'm so curious and I want to get it right! x) You say you would be able to wear it on the tightest hook and you suspect a bigger band size would ride up, okay, that gives me quite a good picture of what it's like. Now I'm just wondering; would the bra feel too tight for comfort if you were to use the tightest hook? Too tight for comfort if you wore it all day to work/school or something. Also, how tight do you like your bands? BIHAL and MilkAndHoney seem to favor the "as tight as needed, not as tight as possible" fit, and that's the kinda fit I favor too. Would you say that's your ideal fit as well, or do you usually seek a bra that you may have to compromise a bit in comfort for support?

    • Not at all a pain, I am having a lazy Sunday afternoon and love bra talk! :) I also prefer "as tight as needed, not as tight as possible", however there is a little bit of room/flexibility for me between as tight as needed and as tight as possible before it becomes physically uncomfortable, just because I think I have a high threshold for discomfort. I am sure that I wear my bands snugly, but I won't tolerate pain. I prefer a band to be snug enough that it is not going to move around at all on my torso as I move around, but if a bra at all bites into my sides or begins to cause me physical discomfort, I won't wear it.

    • Oh okay :) I'm not sure how high/low my discomfort treshold is because I have too little experience with bras in general (don't get me wrong, I've been stalking Bratabase and read a whooole loot so I know quite a bit but the problem is I haven't had too many bras due to financials and frustrations). I'm not too much of a tough cookie though, because if a bra is scratchy I can only wear it for an hour or two before I go totally coocoo and rip my bra off :P Hmm.... You're a little bit smaller than me in the ribcage... I'm not sure if it's enough to upsize though... If it would've been a 4 cm difference I would for sure upsize, but now I don't know :P I'll have to think about that :) Thanks a mountain-lot for the help haha :D !

    • this is maybe a silly question, but is that the beige? on their website it says the basic comes in white, black, beige, or champagne, and i'm not sure which of those would be darker... i'm guessing probably neither will work as a nude bra for me :[

    • curlewgirl ,I was wondering what color you got too.

    • Is your blog MIA? I tried to go to the review but I got a 404...

    • I think curlewgirl is inactive both here and on her blog. I tried to reach her through one of her posts, because she said in a previous one that she'd be posting new ones shortly, but she never did in the upcoming months and she seems unable to reach. I worry about her every time I see some trace of her here, but there's probably nothing to worry about. Maybe she realized she wasn't comfortable being active in boob-communities and blogs alike.

    • *nods* prettyNpetite is your blog closed too?

    • Yes, unfortunately it is. I was getting very creepy, unwanted attention and decided it felt best not to have pervs looking at my bare chest. Maybe I'll feel differently in the future... I'm reconsidering opening up a new blog because I was good at it and people similar to me appreciated it...

    • Please do. You could even disable comments. A lot of the best blogs (Daring Fireball, for example, do without comments). We miss you! :-)

    • (reposting to tag prettyNpetite)

      Please do. You could even disable comments. A lot of the best blogs (Daring Fireball, for example, do without comments). We miss you! :-)

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  3. 2

    Didn't fit

    The wires are very good and my armpits are actually safe. However... I am quadding about." alt=":(" /> I had this problem with my entire order (all 60HHs in bras and a swim top in 65H). It may be period related. Oh well.
    Anyway, good for close set, projected boobs. This has been altered and has reduced cups/gore, straps moved in, and 3 hook back instead of 2 hook back.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jul 06, 2015 Flag this

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  4. 1


    I have a handful of Comexim plunges, all in 60HH -- if one thing can be said about these bras, they are for the most part incredibly consistent. They fit my FOB, center-full, soft breasts incredibly well (it is worth noting that my breasts are about 3 fingers-widths apart, but the cups are relatively close-together -- this does not make the bra uncomfortable and I don't notice it, visually or otherwise, during wear). I normally wear UK 28Fs, so if anyone is confused about Comexim sizing, I had luck staying with the same band and sizing up 2 cups (60HH is equivalent to a 28G)!!

    Updated on Jul 14, 2020 Flag this

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  5. 1

    Didn't fit

    Wow, so. Ok. Lol
    This bra is too big, obviously. It looks comical.
    I have a half inch to an inch extra space on top, but the bottoms extend far enough for me.
    I can't comment on wire width or much else, becuase the cups are simply too big for me.
    The band in the 60, definitely stretches to 30. It's very stretchy, which I was banking on being as I'm not quite 28" underbust.

    I do like the material a lot, and I'm excited to receive my 65G from Comexim.
    Speaking of which, I recieved a 65F and this, which fits more like a 65H, both today.
    The 60HH had cups too big ... ( at least on top), and the 65F had cups that, earlier I thought were only making me quad slightly.
    I'm definitely keeping it, but as the day went on, I realized that the bottom of the cups were too small and makes the cups stretch (which someone pointed out on my fit request). I'll go into more detail about that later on my 65F Comexim Emanuelle review- being as I'm procrastinating with a project right now and don't have much time/ also feel that's more appropriate.

    Because of the 65F being just slightly off, and the 60HH being probably an inch or so off up top, I have a much, much better understanding of what I need in Comexim. I already have the Basic in 65G on the way, but I really believe I need shortened cup height and a higher gore.
    I almost fall out of my Emauelle, but that may also be because it's just slightly too small. The gore in the Basic looked like it'd be fine in a size down. I'm hoping that cup height won't be an issue in 65G, but we'll see...

    I want to mention that the padding in both Comexims is very minimal, and "flimsy" similar to a Freya longline--not moulded. Others informed me of this before I purchased Comexims, as I don't care too much for stiff moulding, but I wanted to include that in my review. I love love love the padding in both my Comexims.

    Anyway, yeah. I have tall "roots", narrow boobs and need projection. I'm mostly even, but functionally FoB. If you're FoB and think you're in between sizes- as far as I've experienced thus far, I'd maybe go for the smaller size because the two I have measure fuller on top. If you go for the bigger size and maybe if you have short roots or even long, shallow roots, try getting shortened cup height.

    Also, this 60 is stretchy, but the previous owner mentioned that it's always been. I think I could easily wear a smaller band in this, but the 60 is comfortable to me (and now I'm even more worried about my 65G).

    That's about all I can say for now, as this is too big on me so anything else might be inaccurate.

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    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jun 22, 2015 Flag this

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    • 1

      I had the same problem with the Emanuelle.
      I think you're on the right track with the Comexim sizing. I have a Basic in 60H which fits well in the cup, but my band is *tight* and I use an extender.
      Anyway, it's a sister to 65G. I'll post fit pics of it tomorrow

    • jlcl119 Yeah, it's so close!! The comfort is amazing though. Luckily I have soft tissue, because I think being squished a little bit might be uncomfortable with firmer tissue. Regardless of being slightly small, I forgot I was wearing the Emanuelle most of the day.

      I pretty much hang onto my VS because their material is amazingly comfy, but I think I'm about ready to let them go after realizing that more cloud-like, better fitting, and prettier bras are out there xD

      Anyway, thanks for letting me know! I'll look for the fit pics tomorrow :D

    • 1

      Queequeg0925 They're up! They should be here if that doesn't take you to them it's a Basic 60H, mine are the run with the black Frenchie in the background.
      You can see in the one that the gore doesn't quite tack. It's usually closer than it is in the photo, but my arms were above my ears to take the shot. Also, the wrinkles are only there from holding my phone.
      I hope they help!

    • jlcl119 Super helpful! Thank you so much :)

      I think it looks great! it's unfortunate that the gore isn't tacking :(

    • You know, somebody mentioned on my fit checks that Comexim wires are softer and I may not get a tack from them. I think they're right.
      With the Ingrid and Irish Coffee, the non-tacking gore interfered with support and comfort after a few minutes and I fell out of both.
      In this it doesn't and I've worn it all day playing with an active 6-year-old, so I think they're floaters for me.

    • jlcl119 I've heard that a few times also. I've been seeing that a lot with the Joy Longline, and idk, I think it might be worse because it's a longline without boning, and people say the band is looser. I think that can affect tacking?

      I'd assume whoever suggested that is probably right because the cups look good from the photos, and if you can be decently active in it, then it's very probable that it's the wires :)

    • jlcl119 I just got my Comexims!
      The gore doesn't tack in my Basic 65G either. But geez, the cups are nice *_*
      Just thought I'd let you know- I'm assuming the wire thing is true :)

    • 1

      Your Basic looks great on you! As far as the gore, I think it's nice. I get such a hard tack from my Ewas that the soft tack on the Comexim is a nice break. I just finalized my reorder of my Ingrid and Irish today, I'm eager for them!

      The Joys look nice too, but I think you can do better. Maybe if the HC is comfy keep it, but I'd sell the longline. Maybe even both then reorder....
      That's my unsolicited suggestion :)

    • jlcl119 Thank you! :)
      I hear you. I have a Freya Rio, Fantasie Evie, and I think my Deco Vibe, and the gores can become really painful to me. The Basic is super nice.

      Good luck with the new Irish and Ingrid! I really hope they work out for you :)

      I agree about the Joys. I think I'm going to take a few days to think about it.

      On one hand, I really want them now, so I feel like I ought to keep them, but then again if I'm buying such good bras, they might as well fit right, right? :P

      I'm really distraught about the 70 band, but I like that bra more. That's probably the one I'm most likely to sell and repurchase though.

      And the Longline, I definitely think I need a fit check for, because I tightened the straps and it stopped the gapping on my right,but I'm still not sure.
      The wire width kind of bugs me, but the actual cup depth is surprisingly 8-8.5"

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  6. 0


    This bra fits me so well. This bra seems to have the narrowest wires of all the numerous bras that I have tried (I haven't had a chance to try an Ewa bra yet).

    This is the most comfortable fitting bra that I own. I feel well supported, the gore tacks against me, the wires fit along my IMF, and the band stays in place.

    I am not a fan of the material though. It is rough and kind of itchy on my skin. I also don't like how the bra makes my boobs look pointy-shaped. Because of that, I rarely wear the bra even though it is so comfortable. You can also see the seams under clothing. It isn't a nice, smooth profile under tight shirts.

    Beige colorway

    Updated on Feb 05, 2023 Flag this

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  7. 0

    Didn't fit

    Love this bra. I ordered it in the same size and alterations with my Ingrid bra but they sent it with 3*3 hooks instead of 3*4 hooks. Even considering this, the band is shorter than Ingrid one. I guess this is why I feel uncomfortable in it sometimes.

    Black colorway

    This bra's measurements have been altered
    Center gore raised by 1cm, 3 x 3 hook and eye.

    Updated on Jan 26, 2021 Flag this

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  8. 0

    Didn't fit

    This was my first direct Comexim order - and let me tell you, I was so hopeful for a perfect fit. I had previously tried a 60J plunge and found the tops of the cup to be wayyyyy too tall. Although the bottom of the cup was a perfect fit in this size. But given the huge amount of extra unfilled space at the top of the cup, I didn't think my fit problems would be solved by sizing down one cup size (rookie move?).

    So, I requested this bra to have a reduced cup height thinking it would solve my fit problems. HUGE MISTAKE. The cup does not ... have enough volume for me. The bottom of the cup is empty and my breasts ended up smashed towards the top of the cup (quad city) in a very unflattering pointy shape. This is a fit disaster.

    On the bright side, the band is wonderfully tight and the requested alternations were made - the gore is narrowed and the cups were reduced.

    I am not ready to give up on finding a perfect Comexim fit. I just bought an unaltered 60HH from another user as an experiment to see how that fits. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

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    This bra's measurements have been altered
    reduced cup height, narrowed gore

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Nov 09, 2018 Flag this

    • Basic fits a bit small, so the other 60HH will hopefully fit better. If you find the plunges to be too tall and shallow, the 3HCs might be worth a try.

    • thanks for the suggestion! I will have to try one out.

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  9. 0


    A lady at a local shop ordered this for me in a 26G but it was a bit small and gave me quadboob that was very visible through my shirt. The band length was perfect though. The 28G is a pretty good fit, but I'd love to try a 26GG (55J, I think). This bra seems to have enough immediate projection and is very comfortable. I love that it has 4 rows of hooks instead of 3. The cups aren't super tall and I like that. I think that this bra might run a bit on the small side as compared to other Comexim plunges, but with relatively more depth. I can only compare it to the Rita and Adore, which seem to be larger and shallower, and the Ginger, which is also very shallow. My experience is limited. Overall, this is a great basic beige quality bra that I plan on getting lots of wear out of.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jun 20, 2017 Flag this

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  10. 0

    Didn't fit

    Technically this can stretch to 29" however I find it way too tight without an extender (do ribcages expand somehow over time? hmm). Even so, I wear this with an extender and it gives me the smoothest shape under clothes. I think that because it is not a reduced height cup, it curves in at the top where I also curve in, which makes it fit well. I don't think it is a 100% perfect fit, but I am content with it.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Mar 27, 2016 Flag this

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