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Bras » Comexim » Pearl Flower Mint Plunge Bra (390) » 70H 32:8

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage75.3
B. perimeter25.5
Stretched Band75.2
Band Length58.3
Cup width14.2
Cup depth23.7
Wire length22.9
Cup height16.5
Cup separation1.5
Gore height6.7
Wing height10.2
Strap width1.8

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    hello, summer! This is the perfect summer padded plunge bra that I picked up at the post office today. It's a bit lighter (feel & fabric - because the interior is white) than the Comexim basic, which feels a bit heavier and sturdier than this pearl flower mint plunge bra, but it's nice to have something a bit lighter for the summer.

    The fit isn't perfect, but it's not Comexim's fault; I should've ordered 70HH. It maybe looks okay from the pictures, but it's a tad small on my larger side (left) and pinches there. I stepped on the scale and I actually weigh 10 pounds more than ... 2 months ago, great /s. So, it makes sense why this bra is too small for me on my larger side, it probably would've fit me back then though.

    I initially ordered 70HH, then had 2nd thoughts about it, emailed the office and I said that I wanted to change my order to 70H (like a crazy person...), but now 70HH would've been right so I should've just stuck to my original order. The moral of the story is: don't email the office so many times, once you submit it, submit it. LOL. Will definitely hold onto this and see if I lose some weight though, fingers crossed.

    Other than that, maybe the bra is a bit grandma-ish, but I love it! I don't think you can tell from the photos, but this actually has many more interesting details than just plain light green: the gore and all of the fabric area under the cups (to the band) is one layer of the flower printed mesh, so it's transparent & makes the bra appear lighter/sexier, I dig it. The wings are the same print fabric, but they're sturdier and lined. I like how all the of the hardware and strap elastic is mint green. Also, there are pink/peach flowers in the print, but it doesn't really show up on the photos. There is a little C (for Comexim) emblem on the mint green bow -it would cool if my initials were "C," like Christy!

    Per usual, this bra from Comexim is a winner; I just wish I hadn't gained 10 pds, or it would've fit perfectly. But I will still hold onto to it. As far as pricing, this bra is on their cheaper end, I think it's b/c there are lighter fabrics used. The price is 125 zloty for the bra, and 22 zloty for shipping, so 147 zl total. For all of the details and the sewing on this bra, wow, definitely worth it! Thank you, Comexim = )

    It's too bad b/c this bra is soooo close to perfection; if I gain 10 pounds I have to go up a cup in padded plunges though (apparently).
    Update: 3-Jun-2021, I decided to order it in 70HH. This bra is just too perfect for summer!

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    Updated on Jun 04, 2021 Flag this

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      wow, this actually has little pink/peach flowers on the print, but this doesn't show up at all in the photos.

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      Ohh wow. It’s so pretty. I never would have noticed the floral pattern unless you pointed it out. So many times bras come and pictures don’t do them justice.

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      Yes, I agree! every time I get a comexim bra, I think to myself, "this is so much better in person." Maybe I should take a picture in a sunny room later, b/c you can't really see the colours on this one. It's a bright fresh mint green. It looks dull in the photos, but it's not. It's fun. lol.

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      It’s really pretty, I love the colour! Too bad it’s too small :( can’t tell from the photos though

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      thank you, margesimpson !!

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      Looks good on you! Definitely do not sell it! I've made that mistake tooooo many times.

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      This looks so nice!! I wouldn’t sell it either!!

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      Wilderness1 , braluv , Okay, I'm not going to list it, you've inspired me. I was thinking - yes, it's too small a.t.m., but the shape is fine. I thought of listing it so someone else could use this "summer bra." But maybe I will fit into next year. Or whenever.

    • I do love this colour for summer though. I think having the "sea foam green" and white interior makes the bra I won't sweat!

      I know that I'm always talking about the heat and I live in Canada...but it does actually get warm here sometimes. lol.

    • 1

      I totally want this one now, LOL. It’s such a nice colour! Is the fabric soft/stretchier than the basic?

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      So, yes! I think it is softer and a bit lighter than the basic. I think I was commenting on reddit (which I comment on waaaayyy to much!): if people are going to have fit issues, it seems like with the Basics. Like this girl The Gloria and the Adele are okay (softer fabrics) but she has fit issue with the basic, unfortunately.

      But don't let me peer pressure you into buying what's not right for you, lol....

    • 1

      margesimpson , it costs slightly less than the basic, too, IIRC. I think it's because of the materials.

      For some reason, I just really hate to sweat, even though I'm in Canada. I'm always worried about being too hot in my bra..

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      LOL I know for sure that this material would be more forgiving than the basic...just trying to decide if I will try a plunge again..

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      BraOdyssey yep, I’m in Canada too and the summers are brutal. Always nice to have lighter summer bras!

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      margesimpson, I know, it's a tough could always order some from breakout bras and then return them? It takes about a month though...Like some of the softer ones, and see how the fit is? Compared to Comexim's basic, at least? Wish I knew more about the alterations. In this video, Erica from S.P., she said that her perfect alteration is reducing the cups, and having the straps moved in She is size 30H though.
      I'd like to try a longline in the fall.

    • *having the straps moved in 2cm...I just the leave the straps as is...maybe I missing out though, lol. I'm bit taller than average though.

    • 1

      I definitely need straps moved in 2cm on the plunge, if I’m going to try it again *sigh.
      You don’t need this alteration, you’re not missing out LOL which is good!
      Straps moved in works for gaps at the top of cups if you’re short rooted like me and for straps that are too wide they dig into armpit, slide off shoulders etc.

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