This is my first BM purchase and I think it is a fail. WAH!
The fit of this bra is just not right. My breasts feel very compressed and don't seem to be able to fill the bottom of the cup. I get a weird shape because my breasts are moving up to compensate for the shallowness at the bottom of the cup. I don't know if the mesh lining at the bottom is too firm, or if this is standard for BMs, but I am not feeling the promised stretchiness. But, I don't know if a large size will be a better fit, as I worry that I won't fit the top of a larger cup. Sigh.
On the plus side, the bra is gorgeous. This lace and colour are to die for. The band is firm and fits my 27" inch ribcage very well. I would not want to size down in the band on this bra.
This bra is not owned any more
Updated on Dec 16, 2018 Flag this
That's such a shame, and shows how photos can be deceiving cause it looks great on you.
That being said, the bottom of BMs is never stretchy (and Kaska will make sure to tell you so), only the top lace. I will check my Baklazan but I do recall thinking Baklazan and Rubin both have a more rigid construction in the bottom than my Fluo or Bibi Black. I will get back to you with that.