Share your bras and experiences and help other women
Get recommendations, write review and learn more!

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Hello and welcome to Bratabase, your bra database!

Help on how to navigate the site

First of all, you should visit getting started, our introductory help page for your first steps on Bratabase. There's a help site on how to add a new bra. There are help pages on how to measure your bras and measurement explanations with pictures of a 34B, a 34C, a 34F and a 42DD bra. There is also a help page for uploading pictures of bras. All of your bras will be collected on the "My bras" page. If you want to learn why Bratabase was created, visit the about page. There are also the FAQ, in case your question has already been answered. Otherwise, Bratabase's creator loves feedback via the contact form!

Also, you can browse the full list of help pages.


The site allows you and other users to list their bras in order to let it pass on to another girl who might have a better fit.

You are free to contact any seller for the current listings.

If you are thinking about listing your bra, here are some guidelines on how it works:

Also, you can learn more about the person that you're getting the listing from, or your potential buyer by looking at their listings profile.

Bra fitting help section

For if you want to find out what bra fitting is or find more information on it. We have a page that helps you to [check if your bra fits ok](/knowledge/check-for-the-right-fit/). There's also a page that explains how you measure yourself. There are explanations of the breast shapes which you can use to describe your breasts. If you have problems with a bra, there's a fitting help which will help you determine problems with the fit of your bra.

Flair and playing with the Internet

If you're a blogger and write about bras, you might want to take a look at the tools we provide for you.

A slew of tools that can ease your work keeping data updated on your blog or showing easier information to your readers.

Social features

Bratabase also offers some social features such as following users and being up to date with the activity they share.

You can set your privacy preferences to make sure you are comfortable with how you participate on the site.

You are welcome and encouraged to share any bra adventure you may have with us and engage conversation on the site :)

You will see that users have a reputation , it can help you know how active a user is on the site.

Make sure you take a look at the private messaging restrictions to figure out who and why you can message users or not.

The technical side of things and explanations on Bratabase

There's a page for the functionings of Bratabase and one about Bratabase. There are also the FAQ. There's a page about similar bras and how you get the engine to recommend bras to you. To find out about the privacy settings you can choose for your profile, look at the profile privacy page. If you find a duplicate item, you should report it.

Problems with the site and feedback

There's a page for login problems. There are pages on how to log in with a Google account, a Wordpress account, a Livejournal account, a Yahoo account, a Blogger account, an AOL account, a Flickr account and with OpenID.

If you want to help Bratabase, visit the donations page! There's also the possibility of advertising on Bratabase. Never hesitate to contact Bratabase! :)

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