Share your bras and experiences and help other women
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What if people enter wrong measurements?

Bratabase works by averaging all entered information for the same bra size, thus reducing measuring errors.

The more bras the site has, the less errors exist.

So, what kind of bras should I be measuring?

Pretty much any bra you can get your hand on. There may be some models that are difficult to measure. You can just leave those fields blank.

How did you come up with this?

Read about the origins in the About page :)

What are you doing with my bras?!

Looking for relationships that might exist between different bras and use what we find to help you find bras :).

I can't measure YYY on my bra!

If you are having a tough time measuring any characteristic of your bra, you can put 0 (zero) on that field, if you are having too much trouble with the bra, it may be a better idea not to use it at the moment.

Who's paying you for this?

Nobody, but hopefully ads will make enough to pay for hosting.

Why isn't my question here?

If you have further questions regarding the project, please reach us at contact[at] with your comments.

Ask your own question!

I'll get back to you as soon as possible :). I love getting feedback from visitors!