Bra Knowledge » Bra Alterations » Versions » Bra Alterations as of 2012-11-23 17:24:52
You found a pretty bra, but the band is too long? You want to make your own nursing bra out of a normal bra?Here's a collection of links to blogs which discuss possible bra alterations.
Changing wire fit
- On Bras I Hate & Love: What to do with those pesky wide underwires
- On Venusian Glow: Fixing underwires that hurt the sternum by pushing them down
Changing the band
- On Hourglassy: Shrinking a bra band
- On Venusian Glow: Bra Band Tightening Tutorial, Using Elastic
- On Curvy Wordy: Rixie Clip Bra Band Tightener
- On Dressing Curves: Reducing the band width
Changing cup fit
- On Bras I Hate & Love: How to make a pointy bra round
- On Bras I Hate & Love: How to make a high-cut bra lower-cut
Changing the straps
"De-armoring" of bras in larger cup sizes (different cuts G/GG+)
Altering the center gore
- On Boobiusmaximus: A quick post on bra alteration (narrowing the center gore)
- On By Baby's Rules: Taking in the central gore and lowering stabbing wires (narrowing the center gore)