Bra Knowledge » How bra sizes work » Versions » How bra sizes work as of 2012-12-04 21:39:45
A bra size has a number and a letter. The number indicates the length of the band of a bra, the letter is based on the difference between the full-bust measurement and the band measurement. The farther along a letter in the alphabet, the bigger the cup.
That means that the band measurement and the cup measurement are independent of each other and therefore they (should) cater to women with all combinations of back measurements and breast sizes.
Band size
The band size is determined by a number which is related to the circumference of your torso.Early bras were produced before elastic material and, for some reason, the old measurement tables are still being used, even though nowadays bra bands are made of elastic material and therefore stretchy. This easily explains why the +4/+5-sizing method doesn’t work very well if you want your bra band to support you, the band stretches out too much! You can try that by stretching out a band from a +4/+5-fitted bra - they will often stretch absurdly far.
Most bands will measure, in inches, a bit less than the size they are, but stretch past that number. For example, a 32 band might measure 28inches unstretched, and stretch to 35 inches. Different brands ans styles may have more or less stretchy bands.
Most women find that the best fit is the band size closest to their underbust measurement. The best fitting band size will depend on how squishy you are where the band sits and the weight of your breasts. There is some amount of personal preference involved in this too, as some women find they like a firmer band and some like the band to be a bit looser.
Cup size
The cup size is determined by a letter, which is determined by the difference between the full-bust and the band measurement.
A cup size always depends on the band length! You can't say "I wear a D-cup" because a 34D and a 42D are totally different sizes! A person who wears a bra in the size 34D has a much smaller breast circumference than a person who wears a bra in the size 42D. Because cup size is relative to the band size, all this means is that they have the same difference between their breast circumference and the band length.
See these resources to read more about this:
A lot of us find that in order to have a bra band that supports you, you have to choose a band length that sounds much smaller than what you may be used to. If you are going to look at a bra with a smaller band then the cup size will have to change as well. If you used to wear a bra in the size 34C and find that a band length of 30 fits you much better, you would have to wear a 30DD to have the same cup size as before..
Sister sizes
Two sizes are considered sister sizes when their cups are the same size, but the band length changes. Usually, a sister size is found when adding or subtracting one cup when going up or down one band size.This can be explained when you consider that a cup size is always determined by a difference between band and overbreast measurement.
For example: A bra should have cups the same size in 34C, 32D and 30DD. This method isn't entirely foolproof, it may only work for some of us (some women have to add or subtract two cups when changing the band size), but it can be useful when you are between band sizes or a bra's cups fit you well and you don't mind changing the band to accommodate you.
Different sizing systems
There are a lot of different bra sizing systems, some which can be converted to other systems and some which can’t. They can be applied consistently or vary between brands or even models of one brand!Check Bra Fitting Cidade for an overview of the most common sizing systems.
Size range available
The actual size range available might be much bigger than you imagine. On Bratabase, bras in sizes from 26D to 50N have been added and this size spectrum is ever expanding!On bra models which have been added to bratabase there's a field which shows you in which sizes this bra is being made.
There are a number of different bra size calculators on the web. Try for example the bra calculator on Sophisticated Pair. It can give you an idea of where to start when you want to try out a new size. (You should probably choose the loose band setting if you're new to brafitting. You can always try on shorter bands if they don't feel snug enough.) Please don't give up immediately if the recommended sizes sound really odd and way too big - don't be a victim of letterphobia. :)Keep in mind though: A calculator can always only give you an idea. It never says the whole truth, a lot of us need different sizes in different brands or on different parts of our menstrual cycle.
Check the article on right fit of bras to find out what your bra must fulfill and how to find a better size if it doesn't.
Resources and further reading
- On Wikipedia: Bra measurements for a historical overview, bra size standards and further information.