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All listings » 34G - Freya » Lacey Plunge (4791)

Freya Lacey Plunge Balcony Bra (4791)

Sale USD $20.00


I have lost weight, and now this bra swallows me. I've probably worn it 10 or 15 times, and it's in great condition!

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band88.0
Band Length71.0
Cup width18.0
Cup depth32.0
Wire length32.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation3.5
Gore height7.0
Wing height10.0
Strap width2.0

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Owner's review

This bra is pretty and quite comfortable. I measured the fit today, on the first day of my period, so I fill it out a bit more than I usually would. Normally I get a little gaping at the top, but I can't tell if that is just the lace trim, or actual cuppage that is not being filled. Today I am getting a bit of quad boob. The shape is a bit more pointy than I prefer, but that may just be me not being used to my natural shape.

I noticed that the wire marks when I took the bra off were about an inch or so below my actual fold, and it is a little less than an inch too wide. I'm pretty sure that means that the cup is too big. This one was also part of my first haul - wearable, but definitely not perfect.

Updated on Feb 26, 2013 Flag this

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