Angels. They are singing as clouds are holding up my boobs. Amazing quality in this bra that EM is known for; sexy sheer lace that seems somewhat vintage, bling charm in the middle, and a great round shape. I wasn't sure what kind of shape this would give, since my only other EM (65F - Ewa Michalak » S Ptyś) is more in-your-face, but this one is quite different, and very nice. Look out Cleo Lucy, there's another sheer, round shaping bra in the drawer...
Update: Wore it all day today. Is a bra this amazing legal? I think I may have to restrict all future bra ... purchases to EM SM bras. Then, I can alternate them with my 32E - Cleo » Lucy (5851)'s and have awesome boobs 7 days a week. Throw in 30E - Freya » Taylor (4971) and S Ptyś for cleavage and variety, and I'm set for life.
Update to the update: I have found a flaw with this bra! Under a thin, light colored shirt, it shows through as white lines. Of course, the shirt is so thin and light, my areolas showed through both this bra and the shirt as dark spots. Makes me wonder what designers are thinking when they pick shirt fabrics more than anything.
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Updated on Aug 30, 2013 Flag this