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All listings » 32DD Cleo Marcie

Cleo Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)

Exchange or sell USD $15.00

[Used] Ships via USPS to anywhere in the U.S.

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I've only worn this bra a couple of times because I was sure it would fit, but the fit just isn't perfect. The band is a bit too tight and the gore pokes my breast tissue.

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.3
Band Length66.0
Cup width12.7
Cup depth22.9
Wire length20.3
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height6.4
Wing height7.6
Strap width1.3

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Owner's review

I wanted to love this bra so much. It encapsulated my breast tissue pretty well and made my breasts feel awesome. However, the band was a little too tight, I had deep red and painful marks left from the wires. The band is stretchy so it doesn't feel tight at first, but after a couple hours of wear it becomes apparent that it's too tight. The gore poked my breast tissue and hurt so bad.

Updated on Sep 14, 2015 Flag this

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