Very pretty high quality bra with nice narrow wires. Super low gore. Unfortunately it's too small in the cups and the band is too big, it feels pretty stretchy. This bra does not have enough immediate projection. The wires are super comfy. Actually it's all so comfy and pretty I'd like to try it in a 60ff or so. There are very pretty bows on the straps and the gore. Samanta describes this cut as: "The design of the push - up type bra is dedicated to women with smaller and less firm breasts. Lifts and collects brests to promote cleavage while it enlarges and rounds the bust. Provides impressive level of comfort while wearing." I would completely agree and wish it fit!
Search sizes: |30E|65E|80E|E65|30 E|1E|8E|30DD|30 DD| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.