B.tempted is probably my fave of brands I have tried and own. They feel the best on and are well made. Honestly I am too lazy to handwash and these hold up in the wash. It is seamless and sturdy. A great tshirt bra. This is the first bra I bought on my journey to find my true size when I was told I was a 32C by over bust measuring. Couldn't find anything in the dept. store so I found one online I liked. If this was 30DD I'd be happier but it's works. I can usually get away with a C or D in a 32 band depending on the bra. and I'm terrible at letting things go that I spend good money on so I'm keeping it. At least til I have enough bras that actually fit well.
Search sizes: |32C|D70|32 C|C70|2C|85C|70D|10C|70C| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.