I listed this bra on eBay so it would be easiest if you bought it there. I could also send you a request for payment ($20 total) through PayPal if you don't want to go through eBay. PM me and we'll figure it out I purchased this bra new without tags online but unfortunately it didn't fit me, so that's why I'm selling it. I really wish it did fit me, because the star print is very cute and the bra seems quite sturdy! Thanks for looking.
The fabric of the cups uncomfortably digs into my armpits but the wire isn't too wide for my boobs. I fill out the cup everywhere except for the top which has a gaping issue that would be visible under a tight shirt. After a few hours the bra rides up on me and ends up sitting on a little bit of breast tissue. I'm not sure if this is the bra or if it's because I'm in the wrong band size, but the band sure feels tight enough.
Search sizes: |65F|65E|30DDD/F|30 F|30DDD|80E|E65|30 E|303D/F|30 DDD|1E|30 DDD/F|30 3D/F|8E|30E|30F| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.