I got this bra sealed in factory packaging (which comes with it). I tried it on for less than 60 seconds, so it will be fresh and new when it gets to you. This bra could easily be altered to a 32E or 30F, and may fit a tight 36D. Please add $10 more for international shipping. I'd consider swapping for anything in 32E-F/ tight 34DD-E that is good for the splayed, narrow, projected, and even to slightly full on top shape with a narrow gore (the lower the better). No push-ups or longlines, please. (Examples of bras that work for me (but I am open to trading for other bras): EM S & SM styles, navy and pink colorway Cleo Lucy.)
My first thought after fastening this bra was "that's nasty", and I don't mean in a Janet Jackson ca 1986 sense. I mean in a toddler playing with petrified dog poop sense. This bra doesn't like me at all. I didn't know that vertical in-cup quadboob was even possible, but apparently the much-vaunted side shaping panels picked a fight with my soft breast tissue, and the side panels won. The shape on me is torpedoes from hell. This goes in my for sale pile straight away.
Search sizes: |34E|34DD|DD75|12DD|3DD|34 DD|34 E|34 DD/E|75E|34DD/E|75DD|90DD| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.