This bra is seriously perfect for the bedroom. The color is a get-your-heart-pounding scarlet, and the construction of the bra itself just makes you feel confident in your own skin.
Details: - 3-part cups. Bottom two parts are lined, and top part is made of stretch lace. Forgiving of asymmetry or FOT breasts. - Lining, lace, and elastic are very comfortable, not scratchy or overly industrial. - Provides moderate lift; gives a natural sloped shape. Did not find it too pointy under clothes. - Fits TTS for Panache in band and cup. - Gore is a low plunge, relatively wide. Will significantly separate breasts. Best for average- to wide-set breasts. - Only worn twice to try. Non-smoking, no pet home. - $25 is asking price. Purchased for $49.
Sexy lace plunge - the boyfriend loved it! Quality is on par with other Panache bras; the lace was soft and not scratchy, and the straps are wide and soft enough to not dig in. Although it's a plunge, which I usually don't do well in thanks to center-fullness and asymmetry, I actually get minimal to no quad-boob in this bra. I'll attribute that to the wide-gore, which provided a lot of separation. While the cups provided adequate depth for me, I generally prefer a more lifted look than this bra can give me.
Search sizes: |30 GG|307D/J|65GG|8GG|30 7D/J|65J|65K|80GG|307DJ|GG65|30J|30 7DJ|30GG|1GG|30 J| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.