I don't usually like white bras, but this was an incredible deal, and I like the pattern, so I tried it.
It measures as too big for me depth-wise, and height-wise, and I can't fill the top. I also am not full on top, so I'm not sure if going down a size would work.
The gore almost fits between my close-set breasts! So that's exciting news.....
Search sizes: |J65|80H|8FF|30 FF|80FF|65FF|65J|8G|65H|65I|30H|I65|30FF|1FF|FF65|H65|30 H| What is this?
Search sizes
Is the list of sizes under which this listing will match for searches.
Why so many options?
This list of sizes is constructed using all the regions which
this brand labels their bras. Note that brands change this in
time so we include historic cup conversions.