This seems like a comfortable, sturdy -- and yet still attractive -- bra. I ordered it online in the wrong size, and inadvertently washed it before I could return it. I've never worn it.
Updated on May 11, 2015 Flag this
This seems like a comfortable, sturdy -- and yet still attractive -- bra. I ordered it online in the wrong size, and inadvertently washed it before I could return it. I've never worn it.
Updated on May 11, 2015 Flag this
This is the most flattering and comfortable bra I currently own. Because of that, I wear it much more often than any other bra I own, which may be a factor in its demise. At 7 or 8 months old. the underwire broke out of the outer seam on the right side. I sewed it back in, but it broke through that. I sewed the seam closed again, and the poor bra has never been the same since. That underwire shifts through the seam and up into my arm pit every time I wear it.
It's still the best bra for me, so I'm planning to buy it again, but in multiple colors so I can be sure I don't wear it out so soon!
Updated on May 11, 2015 Flag this