This bra was fitted for me at Bravissimo in London.
The fitter recommended that I wear it on the tightest setting. I actually found that after a few hours it was really uncomfortable and digging in to me which was a surprise for me as I've been wearing underwire bras for years with very few issues and wondered why women often complained about them. I finally decided to wear it on the second hook which improved things comfortwise but now only a few weeks later after very little wear it has apparently stretched because I need to wear it on the tightest setting again. Seems that maybe I ... need a smaller band to allow for stretching?
The underwires dig in under the arms but they don't seem too high or too narrow so maybe it's just my body shape that's causing it.
After a few minutes of wear the centre gore does seem to come away from my sternum a small amount.
The straps are only just long enough for me.
Update: Initially I had problems with my Cleos when I first got them - the straps seemed to want to cut my arms off and the centre gores seemed too wide. I guess I've grown into them because they're now my favourite bras and I no longer have those issues.
As with all of my Cleos, the wires are possibly a bit wide for my chest but they're comfortable and leagues ahead of anything else I've tried.
Weight gain has also resulted in me wearing my Cleos on the loosest setting. Hopefully I won't have to start looking for 32F's soon
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Updated on Jan 09, 2016 Flag this