I bought two of these in 30c. The shoulder strap on one broke the first time I attempted to wear the bra. This made me nervous about the construction. Plus this size feels very tight, so likelihood of it snapping under pressure is high. That said it was comfortable in the gore which is hard to find for my bony chest.
Some other cons:
-I felt like the sides were sitting right at or on the very edge of the sides of my breasts. -The deal breaker though is that when I went home and scooped the top seam cuts across the top of my chest, creating quad boob. ...
-Flagging that the straps are super thin and have the tendency to roll off my shoulders if I shrug my shoulders or raise my arms. This may be because I'm on the last hook so the straps are pushed further out, but I'd rather have normal width straps.
I'm becoming disappointed in the bra fitters at my local Nordstrom. This fitter was in there with me yet brushed off my concerns about side boob and quad boob, even taking her finger to smooth my my quad boob back in. I know you're probably wondering why I bought the bras then. I admit I get excited when the band and gore fit, so got carried away despite observing fit issues. I thought the fitter should know how to fit the bra properly too but realize now that's not necessarily true. When I returned the bra today a different fitter also disregarded quad boob in some other styles that I tried. I did try in the 30d in this style and the cups are too large: I didn't fill out the cups and still had cutting in at the top. So I think this style is not for me but I'll be on the look out for a similar gore style.
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Updated on Oct 24, 2015 Flag this