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Bra fitting help » Burgundy boobies - a plungy question

Ewa Michalak » Pl Burgund (204) » 70H 32:11

Issue resolved

Band too loose, cups too small. Next stop chp 70j. After that maybe some lovely pl 65jj or k even.
Tnx girls! Especially those who got me remeasured!

Original problem

So, this is my first plinge and I dont know how it's supposed to fit.
The band is fine - but I've heard burgundy runs tight, so I guess I'll need 65 in some other Ewas.
The cups are too small - but by how much I ask you?
Also, you see the gore actually lays flat, but then my boobs meet above it. Is this how it's supposed to look? Would my boobs be touching as much in a larger cup size?
(I have really close set breasts, high gores are uncomfortable and dont lay flat, but this is new to me - Im not sure yet how I feel about boobs touching all the time.)
I am not used to this much exposure - but I jiggle less in this bra then others I have. Would that change in a bigger cup size?

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