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Bra fitting help » How much too small?

Ewa Michalak » Ch Onyks (141) » 75HH 34:12

Issue resolved

Returned, and giving up on CH's

Original problem

As you can see, this bra is too small. Question is: How much? The CH bras only go up to HH, so I would need to place a special order for bigger, so it really needs to be correct. As you can see, there is quite some quadro-boob, and the centergore is about 3-4 finger width from my sternum.
The band feels a bit tight, but I guess the small cup can be to blame for that as well.
I think it is more than one cup too small, yes? So 75JJ maybe?
I had another CH bra in 80H, which was almost fine in the cup (I ordered this before fit-help on the other), and this is definitely smaller in the cup, and smaller than 5cm in the band, but I have heard that is often how it is with black bras, something about the dye-process?

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