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Bra fitting help » Just a shape issue? Or size?

Bravissimo » Dotty Spot Bra (AU08) » 30JJ 30:14

Issue resolved

I shortened the straps a lot and did a lot of scooping and swooping, smoothing, etc. It's still a weird shape, but the comfort and support are great and I am definitely keeping it.

Original problem

I just got this bra, and I am having trouble figuring out whether it is the wrong size, or if it's just a shape issue. I noticed that Curvy Wordy said in her review that it seems to work itself into your shape after a couple of days, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes. In the meantime, though, here are my observations:

1) The band seems to be a pretty good fit, as far as tightness is concerned! Hooray!

2) The wires are ridiculously wide, at least on me. They literally come half way around my sides. I prefer more support for the edges of my boobs.

3) Straps: I would like to be able to make them shorter. I have the smallest shoulders ever, it feels like.

4) Cups: this is where it gets weird. So at first I thought this bra was definitely too large. Even after scooping and swooping, I was getting some wrinkle here and there. But then I lifted the straps a little and it decreased, and then I pulled the rest of the cup around my boobs, and it disappeared. I discovered that I definitely have enough tissue to fully fill the cups, but that in order for them to sit flat, they would have to be shaped differently (pulled inwards). It seems to not be the right shape on top. The way the tension from the strap to the gore pulls the fabric in cuts it across my breast instead of bringing it around the front, which causes it to both wrinkle slightly and cut in a bit (causing minor quad boob on my larger boob). So here is my guess, and I am wondering if you all would agree: I think this is my actual size, just a totally wrong shape. When I hold the edge of the cup so it sits higher on the boob, it seems to be a great fit. When I bend forward, I fill the cup perfectly. It almost seems like a higher gore would reign in the tops and solve it.

So should I judge this bra as being my size, even if it doesn't fit me particularly? I would like to use it to comparison shop, if nothing else.

Thank you all so much again!

P.S. I tried to take pictures holding the straps up a bit and bringing the fabric around to show what I meant. Let me know if something else would be helpful, please.

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