Bra fitting help » help with bra fitting
Masquerade » Rosa (6436) » 32GG 32:10
Issue resolved
It isn't exactly solved. I will not try this in other sizes (unless I by coincidence see it in a store). The bravissimo satine does not work either, neither does curvy Kate wild/elegance.
I haven't found a plunge that works yet (or just a regular bra either really). I have a Ewa Michalak plunge on the way. I'll see how this compares to the other plunges I've tried to far.
Original problem
Hi. I have been searching for a plunge, but I can't seem to find one.
I don't particularly like the look of this bra, but I thought the shape might work.
However, it doesn't!First of all, the band is too loose. I have it closed on the tightest hook in these pictures. I usually wear a 32GG, but lately every 32" band feels very loose. I measure 32.2".
The biggest problem seems to be the cup.
The cup is too deep at the apex (I think it's called?), and my breast barely touches the center of the cup (apex?). The cup cuts in a bit too. It doesn't feel to deep at the bottom, but the cup is situated "in" the band, as opposed to "on" it (if that makes sense), so it doesn't really lift. It also slides down and sort of rests of my fat. It doesn't feel like it's the weight of my breasts pushing the cup down though. I think it's mostly that the band is too big, and that the cup isn't placed high enough on the band.
The center gore is narrow enough, but the cups are still, somehow, too far apart. I would prefer less depth at the sides of the cup and more depth towards the center. Generally, plunge bras seem to drag my breasts apart, thus giving cleavage and boobs in the middle, and second boobs in the half empty cups - my breasts won't go out into the cups.
It also seems like the straps are pulling from a wrong angle.
I've tried illustrating some of these issues in the pictures.
The wire seems comfortable though in regards to length and width.I've added more of my measurements here:
Underbust: 80.5 cm
Underbust pulled as tight as possible: 76 cm
Underbust loosely measured: 87 cm
Bust: 108 cm. standing/116.5 cm. bend over
Over bust: 99 cm
Apex: 10 cm
"Hang" from the crease to bottom of breast: 4 cm.
From the crease at the bottom and wrapped around up to my nipple: 13 cm.I hope all this makes sense.
I've also added a drawing of my breast shape if that helps! (I did pretty accurately actually)Thanks in advance! I hope someone can help
Also, I'm sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. I live in a place that gets dark at 3pm, so it's difficult to take photos.
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Suggestions (3)
helpfulJust wanted to add that Masquerade and Cleo Plunges are bras made in hell. There are very few people who actually fit into those, if it fits funny on you it is not you, it is the bra. I would actually be far more worried if the bra did fit you right.
Updated on January 14, 2013 Flag this
helpfulSometimes a 32 inch underbust will wear a 30 band, especially if the underbust has a lot of give.
Molded cups can be a tricky fit- I've had a similar problem with some bras and I have splayed, somewhat bottom-heavy breasts. From your profile it seems you want wide wires.
I'd normally recommend Curvy Kate and Panache Superbra for this. You have had some success with CK bras in the past, and thus if you're looking for a plunge the Tempt Me, Wild, and Elegance could do the trick. I know the Tempt Me runs loose in the band and small in the cup, so a 30HH or 30J may work (Wild has the same cut and it looks like Elegance does too). Just beware of the shallowness at the bottom of the cup- you may get a fabric fold even if you're not full on the bottom.
The Smoothie may not be enough of a plunge for you and I haven't tried it myself, but it's another option.For non-padded plunges, the Panache Andorra Plunge may have wide enough wires but I also haven't tried this one. There are also the Loretta and Eden, has anyone tried these? The Porcelain will almost certainly be too shallow on top for you.
Freya/Fantasie also make plunges but I find the cup is too deep at the apex for me.
Updated on January 9, 2013 Flag this
helpfulI love you going all scientific
Band size aside, the main problem is the cup positioning - as you noticed yourself, the cups are too far apart for you, but not only in a gore is too wide way, but also the deepest point of the cup is too east-west (or google-eyed if you will ) for your close set centered breasts.
I've seen your review of the deco ( it would be better if I saw the pictures too), so this are the plunges I'd reccomend trying:
Bravissimo satine and thea
Ewa Michalak PL style
Curvy kate smoothie.I wouldn't go below a 32 band because you could get wire distortion and thus a bad fit.
There are some cheap used ewa michalak ch bras listed here in a size that might work for you, so that could be a good way to asses the size you need to order - ch and pl run similar in cup.
How would you compare your boob volume to Bras I Hate? If you know that, It would be easy to predict sizes in bras I've suggested.Updated on January 10, 2013 Flag this
I actually tried the satine this summer. I haven't really compared it to my current issues with plunges, so it's probably closer. However it gave a very pointy shape and it was empty in the apex. I couldn't fill the cup though I also had quad boob. Maybe I should give it another try.
I found a Ewa Michalak bra here, but it was already sold.With boob volume, do you mean shape or size or simply how much boob I have .. If that makes sense!
I think I have a fairly similar shape to her, and I'm always told that here too. But she couldn't make the marcie work for here (gave her a square look) whereas for me it's very round. So we're not identical. I think my breasts are more shallow than hers. They are very shallow and wide, so I need wide wires, and cup volume towards the center, not like east-west as you mention.
I will try to take photos of me wearing the deco.When I bought the deco, I tried on the smoothie and the deco and the deco gave the roundest look where the smoothie didn't give much cleavage.
However when wearing the deco, I have issues with it like you have read.I don't know about 30 vs 32 bands. Cause I don't want to distort the wires of cause, but every 32 band I try on slides around.
I can't really wear the marcie anymore cause its very very loose, and it rides several inches up in the back. Though the cup feels like it fits. It's a 32GG. I should also take pictures of that.I really appreciate you answering. I know it sounds cheesy, but I'm so grateful to get advice cause I have tried on so many bras in so many sizes and it never works out
Btw, I checked the listings for michalak bras here just now, and I think the would be too small in the cup (32G and smaller) or too big (28J)
Actually, the 28j might be a good cup volume for you. I'd say for pl you would need to go up 2 cup sizes from your normal cleo size.
But I am confused with your description now because ewas are best for narrow and deep boobs. However they are very front and center and feature pushup pads. And you can wear them in a too small size because they probably wont cut in and will give you more cleavage.
I thought you might say there is not enough cleavage in the smoothie. :D -
Ah hmm, maybe I don't make sense.
My boobs are wide and "flat" but close set and full on top. So whenever I try on bras these issues tend to happen:
Empty in the centre of cup (Freya and bravissimo bras)
Straps set too far apart, east-west (curvy kate)
Cup volume set too far apart (this bra and deco)Does it make any sense?
I also think my ribcage is smaller just above where the bottom of the band sits, so the band easily rides up. -
So what you are saying is that you got natural marie antoinette cleavage :) well, you should do great in halfcups then, but I'm not sure there is a plunge that os made for your shape. Still, give those listed above a try, something might work well enough for you. Ewas might be best because the cup is quite forgiving :)
Yeah you're a firmer more centered form of me. So in between me and BrasIhate. I wonder what would happen if we altered halfcups to plunges.
It never occurred to me it could be done :D
Vee: It has for me. But I've never figured out how to do it. I've also thinking of the reversed. Altering plunges to halfcups.
I have some thought about hacking Ewa Michalak by asking them to make a custom PL bra with wires 1 or 2 sizes up. If they could make a PL Mak they should be able to make this odd bra as well. *wishful thinking*
Ahahahahha good luck explaining that to Dominik :D :D :D
:D I agree. But how on earth did obsessed with breast manage to do it? :D
Yes, probably in between you, Branachist, and brasIhate.
And plunging half cups is EXACTLY what I've also thought about. A plunge that is a open as a half cup, but with a low center gore = plunge half cup.
Plunges are always too closed, I need one that's open like a half cup. Sometimes half cups can work for me, but sometimes I need to downsize in them, and sometimes the gore is too wide.I've ordered the Satine to try out as well as a half cup so I'll see how those are.
I've ordered the satine (plunge) in a 30HH (adviced by Bravissimo) and the half cup in 30H. I have bra extenders on hand :PI'd love to try a plunging half cup from Ewa. But I don't know how it would work. Would be pretty cool.
@ branachist, if you want, please let me know which bras you can make work for you, maybe I can get some pointers from your experiences. And since we have similar issues and some that are not similar, what might be close to working for you , could be spot on for me. If you get the change, you should try curvy Kate's tempt me/wild, I'm too closed set for it, but the wires are wide and the cups shallow and it's so comfy. The cups are also quite open, it's almost like a plunge half cup. But I'm, as I said, too close set and maybe too firm actually (just what you mentioned as the difference between us)
I'd say closest to working; Bravissimo halfcups, Tease Me, EM HP, but my most used is Andorra 34J because of the fabric XD
I kind of want to try EM pl as well.
I've tried the satin in a 30HH. it seemed alright in a 30. But the cups seemed even more wrong than this one actually. The cups have a sort of flat panel that pushes my breasts down. I don't understand how that's supposed to give cleavage when they are pushed apart and down :P
Well, don't know where to go from now on!
Thank you!
I actually got a curvy kate Wild in a 32H along with this bra.
It's WAY too big in a 32, so you're right, I would need a 30. But the H cups somehow seems too big and the cups are sort of too far apart. Or, the wire is great but the cups are sort of situated too far apart.
So same problem as this one - wire is great, but cups are too wide set/too deep at the sides. However the wild is deep/shallow enough at the apex, though it does get a slight fold at the bottom of the cup, though only on my smaller breast!
I don't think I'll try the smaller band with the wild, I don't think I can make the cup work. Again it's like the strap is pulling at a wrong direction.
I don't care too much if its padded or not, I just really want to find a plunge for lower cut tops.
I'd also love more bras in general.
As it is now, I feel like my curvy kate romance is my best fit, but it's not very comfy and the straps dig in. I also don't like the shape it gives me, but it does fit.
My Lucy needs to be altered and the Marcie is way to big in the band.
I just really need help, it's so difficult to find a shape that works :/
Thanks for your suggestions :)