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Bra fitting help » Size down or need higher wires?

Freya » Marina Padded Half-cup (1273) » 34F 34:7

Issue resolved

I have a tall root, wide root, and narrow boobs, which makes bra fitting very difficult.

I will continue my trend of aiming for wide wires and shallow bras. Also I will mostly ignore cup sizes since they seem to be irrelevant to me. I have ordered a <a href="/browse/masquerade/tiffany-5431/" class="mentioned-item">Masquerade Tiffany (5431)</a> Plunge in 34G because of the shallowness and 8" width.

I will also try out the 3 bras <a href="/profile/353/" class="mentioned-item">Branarchist</a> said worked for her, and see if a size in them works for me. And I will consider playing with band and cup sizes more, to get the right shape.

And I will check out Elomi at <a href="/profile/1do/" class="mentioned-item">mycuprunnethover</a> 's suggestion.

Original problem

This bra is really close to being great, but I still have the problems I've been having. I have some gapping at the top of the cup, and armpit fat on the side. Also, right when I try it on and swoop and scoop, the bra is pretty close to fitting, but as the day goes on there is a huge gap in the top of the cup. Before I thought I needed wider wires to combat the armpit fat, but now I am thinking I need really long wires to keep it all in the bra.

I am hoping that sizing down will make this perfect. But I'm thinking maybe sizing down will help me fill out the cups properly but I will still have the armpit fat. There isn't much information on the measurements on Freya half cups or the longlines in the 34/36 D-F range on Bratabase, but I was having similar issues in the Freya Just Flew In Padded Longline Bra (1393)

in 34E (which is half an inch narrower, so maybe I need the 6.0" width but the 9.5" depth?)

Also I tightened the straps a bit to make the cup gap less at the top, but the tops of my shoulders hurt a little when I wear this now, not from the band being too tight but like it's putting a strain on my muscles somehow.

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