Bra fitting help » Size down or need higher wires?
Freya » Marina Padded Half-cup (1273) » 34F 34:7
Issue resolved
I have a tall root, wide root, and narrow boobs, which makes bra fitting very difficult.
I will continue my trend of aiming for wide wires and shallow bras. Also I will mostly ignore cup sizes since they seem to be irrelevant to me. I have ordered a <a href="/browse/masquerade/tiffany-5431/" class="mentioned-item">Masquerade Tiffany (5431)</a> Plunge in 34G because of the shallowness and 8" width.
I will also try out the 3 bras <a href="/profile/353/" class="mentioned-item">Branarchist</a> said worked for her, and see if a size in them works for me. And I will consider playing with band and cup sizes more, to get the right shape.
And I will check out Elomi at <a href="/profile/1do/" class="mentioned-item">mycuprunnethover</a> 's suggestion.
Original problem
This bra is really close to being great, but I still have the problems I've been having. I have some gapping at the top of the cup, and armpit fat on the side. Also, right when I try it on and swoop and scoop, the bra is pretty close to fitting, but as the day goes on there is a huge gap in the top of the cup. Before I thought I needed wider wires to combat the armpit fat, but now I am thinking I need really long wires to keep it all in the bra.
I am hoping that sizing down will make this perfect. But I'm thinking maybe sizing down will help me fill out the cups properly but I will still have the armpit fat. There isn't much information on the measurements on Freya half cups or the longlines in the 34/36 D-F range on Bratabase, but I was having similar issues in the Freya Just Flew In Padded Longline Bra (1393)
in 34E (which is half an inch narrower, so maybe I need the 6.0" width but the 9.5" depth?)
Also I tightened the straps a bit to make the cup gap less at the top, but the tops of my shoulders hurt a little when I wear this now, not from the band being too tight but like it's putting a strain on my muscles somehow.
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Suggestions (2)
helpfulThe short of it is this;
What works best for me; 34HH - Bravissimo » Mademoiselle Bra (LN110)
In that one I could size up so the armpits were covered. Same went for Andorra whioch I used in 34J for a long time. Apart from that I managed to get a 30J - Cleo » George (5131) work as well. I use it with an extender. It has taller wires than the other halfcups in the same family.
Bravissimo halfcups is the best it gets for this shape.
I was at 34F size last summer. I think I have now decided to settle around 32GG/H/HH and some 34in general.
What happens if you push your boobs inwards towards the chest? Do you get a new boob crease further back then? That's what I get. That's where I want my wires.
Also; a word of caution for swoop and scoop with a shape like ours; you might end up with unwanted results. Like actually getting too much fat in the front of boobs that were not made to hold the fat there which basically means they will just hang down and spill out of cups.
Most important ingredient to our bras is shallow bottom sections and open tops.
Wires narrower or wider often isn't what this kind of shape ends up being about. Rather it ends with one bra gaping and the other one quadboob. And we simply have to take our pics.
It's simple and sad; bras were not made for conical breasts so we constantly have to find our way around bra fitting. We can never totally live by the bra fitting rules since they wasn't made for boobs like ours. And the sooner we are aware of it the better.
Updated on June 28, 2013 Flag this
You might also try Elomi bras. I have an opposite breast shape, and find the high wires and wide position annoying because it pushes my breasts under my arms, but if that is where you need containment, those might work well for you.
helpfulHi !
I have exactly the same problem as you have in many bras : after scooping and swooping, the bra looks ok, but after the breast slide to the sides, the top of the cup is gapping, and I get armpit fat.
( I try to avoid this by re-adjusting many times per days, and by wearing tighter bands, but I wouldn't buy a bra that give me this problem anymore, it is too inconfortable )I only have tried two bras in wich I don't have this problem, and both have very wide wires. With a wider wire, you don't have to scoop and swoop a lot because the wires are where your breasts are. And because of that, breasts don't slide on the sides. They arn't pushed forward, they just stay at they natural place encased by the wire. For me, I don't really have to wear higher wire, just wider, and my breasts stay in place (but I am smaller busted than you, so maybe you can benefit of a wider AND higher wire for more support). An other good thing I discovered with very wide wires : I can confortably wear a looser band, the bra and my boobs stay in place even if I move a lot (they jump when I jump, but go back into the cup themself, I don't have to re-adjust !).
I don't think trying a cup size down in this bra is a good idea : wires will be even more narrow and I am afraid a part of your breast on the side couldn't be encased in the cup and give you armpit boob, and it is unconfortable.
So my conclusion for you : try to find a bra with very wide wires.
Updated on June 28, 2013 Flag this
Thanks! That is what I've been thinking, super wide wires. I was wondering if I was going bananas with aiming for wider and wider wires, so I was thinking about a longer wire instead. It's all very confusing. I wish I had a place where I could just try on bras all day without the fitter just bringing me 50 different styles of 36Cs, when I'd rather try certain bras in 36D-36G and see if any sizes work.
Thanks so much this is so helpful!
This definitely goes along with what I have been discovering. Or at least theorizing about. For one thing bra size is seeming super meaningless to me, it's just varying the shape and size to change the problems, which is basically what you said.
If I press on my boobs the crease seems to go a bit further back, like half an inch or an inch. The visible crease is where my bras have always been. I wore a 38B for 3-5 years, I forget, but then I lost about 50 pounds last year, and then the 38B actually appeared to fit my boob for the first time ever, but of course the band was too big. So now all the bra fitters I've been going to recently, boutiques and La senza alike, think a 36C fits. Because it looks like it fits, it really does. I assume what they see is that it fits, and that I'm fat so it looks okay but not great, because that's what I thought for... 15 years. Anyways that was a tangent but the point is I have a visible boob outline that fits into a 36C/38B, but those have always dug into my boob, and now that I've discovered wider wires it feels so good to have that wire like under my armpit, so good. The rest of the bra doesn't necessarily feel good but the wider underwire feels great.
And ya I've been wondering about the swoop and scoop. Here is a picture where I showed the visible crease of my boobs compared to what I was able to scoop into the bra: