Bra fitting help » Gore digs into sternum
Cleo » Zia Balconnet (6851) » 32G 32:9
Issue resolved
Bending the gore helped, but the cups are also too close for me, so the shape just doesn't suit me.
Original problem
The gore digs into my sternum and I'm not sure whether it's just too tall for me or whether there's another issue I'm not seeing.
I added an extender because the band was a bit too tight and that helped a little, but the gore still digs in.
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Suggestions (2)
helpfulYou could try bending the wires so the gore isn't sitting so tight against your chest. I've had to do this on a couple of bras as well. While wearing the bra, just hold the wires at the gore and bend away from your body some. I don't know if that'll completely fix your issue, but it may provide you some relief!
Updated on May 21, 2013 Flag this
helpfulThe gore is an easy fix as Bumblebean explained, what worries me are the wrinkles I see near the wires at the center of the bra. Either the cups are too close together for you either you are wearing it too low. I dismissed an option there is not enough depth in the bottom because cleo is deep and you are not that projected. See if you can make some use out of this. on May 21, 2013 Flag this
Even as high as it will go it wrinkles, so I think that the cups are too close for me. Thanks for your help!