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Bra fitting help » Is this bra too small or just right?

Aerie » Sunnie Pushup Bra (6733-4352) » 30C 30:3

Issue resolved

Many people gave me constructive suggestions and that really helped me a lot. I didn't have to share it on social media or anything! I'm really grateful to those who helped - I learnt a lot more about bras and my boobs just from this! :D

Original problem

I'm a 29D, but since most stores don't carry that, I settle for a 30C or 32B. I got a 30C Aerie Sunnie Pushup Bra. It fits perfectly when I wear it but when I scoop all my brea tissue into it I get a bit of overspill (a bit of the quad boob effect). Sometimes I feel that my nipple is going to pop out of the cup as well! Are the cups too small for me or can I getaway with this tiny overspill and try to push the extra spillage back into the cups of the bra?

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