Bra fitting help » Need help with Ewa and Comexim!
Ewa Michalak » S Orzechowa Pralinka (711) » 70K 32:15
Issue resolved
Going to try a Cleo marcie in 30HH and most likely order halfcup bras to compare by Ewa Michalak (will try 65J) and Comexim (sizing... not sure yet! I know they increase by 2 cm per cup rather than 1 inch, and their website says their band lengths are literal and don't stretch much, so maybe a 70J?)
Original problem
This bra is of course too big. The band was too big, the cups were WAY too big, but I'm not sure how much, or if this style is a poor shape for me in general? Note when I tried to pinch the top to make it fit - then I spilled over the sides and top! In my review I mention how this bra itself was asymmetrically shaped in the cups, so try not to let the wonky gore and cup shapes distract too much. I'm trying to figure out how to proceed in trying more polish bras because even with this disastrous fit the support and shape really appealed. I know I need a smaller band - so I'll go with a 65 in EM but the comexim bands are confusing - the stretch estimates on the site usually estimate them small but I've read posts that discuss ordering smaller than normal band size in comexim! So I'm mystified. I also think a half cup style would be better and I think it's been established that I have tall roots? I'm still not sure about FOT or FOB, projected or shallow, immediate or late projection, etc... and if I knew how and it was allowed, I'd point you to my anonymous shape set, but essentially my breasts don't really go out to the sides, they sort of hang straight down and are pretty close together. They're soft and maybe edging toward pendulous? But they always provide ample cleavage in a sports bra and seem to start pretty far up. I think the roots are wide, but not as wide as the bra in the picture!
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Suggestions (2)
helpfulI normally would not make suggestions in your size. However I think, looking at your measurements and shapes, that you are quite projected and full on top. The unlined bras you bought before have closed tops, besides being small and wide, which is why you are getting that classic upside down 7 shape. You can't tell in this bra because it is too big. My first suggestion is to buy a Cleo Marcie in 30HH if you are looking for an unlined brand and see how that feels/fits.
My guess is that you are going to fit around a 65J in Ewa. I'm not sure about Comexim, but you can ask a stockist like Bra Obsessed or Zathiya to make size recommendations.
Updated on September 21, 2016 Flag this
helpfulSo, you have F, FF and H cup bras added . . do you have ANY idea what bra size you wear? You are clearly not a K cup - I dont even wear a K cup in Ewa and my boob perimeters are like 2 inches bigger than yours?
Ok, looking at numbers - my breasts perimeters range from 14 to 18 inches. My 75JJ - Ewa Michalak » S Magique (834) measures at a 12.3 depth. I usually need a 14-15 inch depth in UK styles - which is a J or JJ cup (in my 32 or 34 bands).
Most likely you need the same size cup you would wear in a UK brand, or one cup larger (because of the padding).
So, the cup measurement you list here is 12.2 depth. 70Js in that bra measure at a 12.6
Which means your measurement is probably for the smaller cup, which is probably the WRONG cup (IE not a 70K)
also, i have had several Ewa bras run tight in the band and she makes lots of unpadded styles!
Look at this ewa (boring but unpadded) - does this LOOK like it would fit you?
here's a 65J in an SM model
Updated on September 20, 2016 Flag this
dbmamaz - hi, I know, the bras I've added seem kind of crazy. And it's true that I have basically no idea what size I wear, I've gained and lost a lot of weight over the years and the last non-sports bra I owned was 10 years ago and was a VS 34DD demi and it didn't really fit. So, I didn't want to waste space trying to explain before but the original few bras I added were smaller than I needed because I hadn't yet been enlightened to the differences between UK and US cup sizes, so when they came they were much smaller than I expected. This time I thought I was closer. I mentioned in my review that the seller on ebay said the cups for this bra run small for the brand and the fit is closer to a 70J or 70JJ. My bratabase recommendations include a few "S" cut Ewas in 70J and 70JJ, so I thought I'd give it a try. I did measure both cups for the inner perimeter and the smaller cup depth was 12" vs. the larger 12.2. I think the immediate projection, 4 part construction and very high cup make the actual volume this bra difficult to portray, but like I said, it was all wonky shaped anyway so probably not a great model anyway.
I do like a padded bra, that wasn't the issue I had with this one, so I was interested to see the Sf cut you linked to. it's so hard to tell from a picture whether or not something 'looks' like it would fit me, probably because I haven't actually had a fitting bra so I don't even have a reference for what it would look like! But that's a definite possibility and clearly now I realize I need to size down quite a bit. The 32H I tried (and that was a UK size :) ) was too small in the cups and too large in the band - but that bra is shallower than and EM, so your suggestion might be right. Like the reviewer of the Sm I have a lot of center fullness so I think I'd probably have similar fitting problems, but I'll definitely have to look into the unpadded styles too. I think ultimately I'll just have to order a few different sizes and styles and return most of what I get. It's a pain and an initial outlay of cash I don't really have but looks like it's going to be necessary if I ever want to get a bra that fits.
Thanks for your help, I really know nothing so I know it's difficult to try to help me. Mentioning your perimeter measurements compared to the depth you need in an Ewa bra was helpful. Now I know to start looking at polish bras with a lot less depth!
Also - the 75JJ you mentioned would be a sister size to the 70K, correct? (I really am still figuring this out). But the sister size should have the same cup volume, right? So the 12.2" inner perimeter I measured is probably pretty accurate after all...
yes, good point! i get lost in sister sizing sometimes too.
Hopefully you can find something closer to fitting and do another fit request. it is hard to see much in a padded bra and hard to figure it out when its so far off
Try ordering from Levana Bratique in the US. You will pay a bit more but they have lots of EM sizes in stock so you can try a few different ones at once. Once you pin down your size you can order from EM directly and it will be cheaper. That's what I'm doing, anyway.
Sister sizing and em bras just don't seem to work the same in this size range .. I have tried and tried hard . That bra in particular is a tall bra and does look weird before a washing . I think yes sizing down.
My best fit is my 70k sf but my measurements are slightly different than yours . As in a bit larger (closer to dbmamaz ) and with more difference in the standing ,leaning and laying . Your tissue probably doesn't move as much as mine I am pretty soft from weight loss ,gain,loss . It's hard to get that laying measurement though .
I found that there is not much depth difference between my 75j, and 70jj (sorry haven't measured and put it in yet ) and the 70k (was a bit disappointed I wanted more room ) mostly height and just slight depth . So if your feeling like it's good on the bottom but too tall it's something to consider . -
Omg Ivp that explains why I couldn't fit EM. I couldn't figure out why the cup wasn't getting bigger as I sized up. It was getting taller not deeper. Not great for my short roots! That explains why EM doesn't work well for me in padded. Sorry to hijack this thread, carry on!
This has been my experience cupandahalf in ewa's in particular for me I noticed because I am measuring bras for the first time.However I am a short person and this happens in clothes as well at a certain plus size designers think that one becomes six feet tall . That used to frustrate me a lot .
cupandahalf I'm grateful for the 'hijack' actually - the height of this bra really threw me off, but Ivp 's comment that it's exceptionally tall gives me another direction to go in. By the way - would you say it's tall for this cut? For EM in general? Or are all her bras tall like that?
That I can't comment on as I tried a 100H. I found EM to be taller than Comexim however. Maybe you can compare cup height/wing height in this bra to other S cuts in this size?
cupandahalf so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to look at all my information, I'll definitely have to try the marcie - a few people have mentioned it now. I've just discovered Zathiya and can't wait to order a few to try once they re-open in a few days!
What exactly is the "upside down 7" shape? I haven't heard it referred to yet.