Bra fitting help » Help with Comexim sizes and alterations (gore height/width, cup height/deepness)
Comexim » Ingrid Plunge Bra (289) » 65M 30:13
Main problem with this bra for me is the gore. I have very close set breasts (basically no space between them until my IMF) and the gore floats due to height and also possibly width. There is also gapping along the edge of the cups and when I "manually" tack the gore I get a small amount of quadding. Tried this bra in a 30JJ, it didn't tack either and it appeared too big when I forced it to. I can post the link to an imgur album with photos of me in it if it'll help.
What I'd like help with is what EU size I should get? (I'll be ordering directly from Comexim.) And what alterations should I request to get the best fit? So far I'm thinking reduced gore height, straps moved in, and maybe overlapping wires (to accommodate inner fullness from close-setness). Deeper and reduced cups was suggested by a poster on ABTF.
TIA for any help, really hoping to get things right on my first order with it!
Note: Although I have this bra down as the band being too tight I purchased 3 other Comexim bras in a 30 band and all fit with the not uncommon new bra "wee bit too snug" feel. This particular bra however was strangely tight af! Like holy guacamole Batman! I needed an extender to get it hooked. If I recall correctly the unstretched length was an inch shorter than the others. Basically I'm saying I can in fact wear a 30 band despite this boa constrictor firm band.
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Suggestions (3)
helpfulThis is SO beautiful on you!!!!
Gore width:
When you remove the bra, where do you see wire marks? Looking at the inner, lower portion of each breast, is your breast tissue free of wire marks? If yes, overlapping gore should be sufficient. If not, I recommend requesting both narrowed and overlapping gore wires. For my cemter-full, close-set breasts, This combination feels the most comfortable.Gore height:
Hmmm.... I'm concerned lowering the gore may also lower the cup height enough that you'll experience significant quadding. However, narrowing and overlapping the gore may allow more of your breast tissue into the cups. If that happens, the quadding won't occur.Requesting deeper cups in addition to reducing the gore height may work, too. It may be an experiment, but another user may have an experience with these alterations and provide better advice
Your center fullness is likely requiring some band length. When you have enough space for your center fullness, a 65 band should fit you comfortably. One exception is the full lace bands: order a 70 in those models. There is some band variation among models. So, just check the data here for help.Hope you find a perfect fit soon
Updated on April 18, 2017 Flag this
Love4Pollinators Aww, thanks so much! I was surprised how great this print and color looked on me, thought I'd be quite underwhelmed.
From what I could tell it wasn't sitting on tissue in that area but that could be because the wires are on the soft side and don't leave enough of a noticeable mark. Would having the gore narrowed when I might not necessarily need it cause fit issues?
I'm actually thinking that the gore height might be okay now. I put the bra on again and pushed my breasts away from the gore to mimic being more shallow and the gore pretty much tacked. So if I can find the combination that would give me more depth in the cup near the gore it would tack much better. Hopefully someone with experience with deepening the cups comments on here because I'm really curious on that alteration in conjuncture with some gore tweaks.
Good to know about the difference with lace bands, I've only heard about the double layer bands being on the more firm side. And I'll make sure to check the data on here before I purchase.
Size-wise, would a 65M be the ideal starting size? Also does moving in the straps change how the cup fits?
Thanks, I hope to find it as well. :)
dbmamaz Thanks, you two got me feeling all special! Didn't think I'd get any compliments. :)
Comexim wires are definitely more on the soft side. I tried a couple Panache bras before these and it was definitely easy to tell the gore sat on tissue because they left deep marks. Plus they are starched stiff as hell lol. If I can get alterations to turn the floating gore to at least soft tack I'll be pretty happy.
You should feel special and beautiful because you are :-)
Narrowing the gore if you don't need it could cause the cup to feel too narrow. For instance, when I began narrowing gores, I discovered I need a 6.1" cup width. Prior to narrowing , I thought 5.8" cup width was sufficient.
Moving straps in 2cm for me created a bit more space for center projection. This may be a helpful modification for you.
65M does look like the size you'll want to order.
@May_June Do you have advice? Thanks for sharing :-)
I honestly think reduced gore by itself might work. The Ginger Plunge already has that as its normal style so you could order that in 65M and N and see if it helps. Oh! But the ginger band seems to run small so maybe 70L or M or even 75K or L would be better.
I could never be a bra fitter as I think this looks terrific on you and is so pretty.
cupandahalf In my size, the deep plunge design has significantly less apex projection than the original plunge. But, I'm clueless about the rest of the size range ;-)
I tried both. I think the deep plunge has an apex at a different place- a little less centered to prevent center spillage. However I found it comparably deep at the apex.
Love4Pollinators Thanks I really appreciate that. :)
In that case I probably should start with overlapping wires since I'm not sure I can get away with narrower wires. I probably could but I rather not risk it just yet.
A little more center projection shouldn't hurt too much. Beats having to hike my straps up my shoulders.
Phew, I'm not in special size order territory just yet.
Also thanks for that link, very helpful!
cupandahalf I've considered the Ginger before but then I saw that it's wider and shallower than the other plunges which I don't think would work to well with my shape. I assume the fact that it's less projected is why that particular style comes in a smaller size range. Maybe they haven't figured out how to grade larger sizes just yet.
Paula50 Thanks! :) I'm not even sure this qualifies as an improper fit because, it's a pretty great fit off the bat and I could probably get away with wearing it as is. I just want to see if I can get an even better fit.
SheGotThemThangs_ thats interesting information about the Ginger. I actually own both cuts (in this case made by Comexim for Wellfitting). They are sister sizes. The bras are the same depth and the extra deep is a little narrower with a shorter gore and taller sides. I saw on Facebook where Comexim confirmed that Wellfitting's extra deep cut cut was the same as Ginger and a couple of other cuts.
I will also say that looking at averages of a lot of bras in the same size, comparing the two cuts, you can see A LOT of variation but the averages tend to be about the same cup width and depth. I really think the perception about the depth of the bra has to do with a few people getting anomalies and the shape of the cup which is shallow in other places from the normal Plunge.
Not trying to convince you, just explaining why I recommended it.
cupandahalf Sorry for the very late reply (been super busy) .
That's really interesting that you find both cuts to be quite comparable. You're the first person I've seen to say that which is why I initially wrote it off. The apex of the cup must be lower causing it to fit/feel more shallow.
Wish there was more data on here for the Ginger to help pinpoint what causes the different fit. On the other hand Wellfitting (no free returns, poop) does have the deep plunge in my size so I will probably end up purchasing one to get a feel of this cut first hand.
I could be wrong, but I think the Ingrid and Ginger (both older styles) are smaller in the band than more recent styles because Comexim in general has been making their bands stretchier. They used to be consistently described as being bras you should size up in the band when you order.
helpfulI am close set/center full and just overlapping gore works for me, but, I haven't tried narrowed and overlapping gore which may be better. I just try to keep it simple?
Deeper cup definitely helps, I need 2-3 cup sizes over what calculators/measurements would make it seem like I need. I also do better with the 3HC than the plunge, but I'm revisiting plunges in an order I'm waiting on so stay tuned. I decided not to lower cups for sake of avoiding potential quad boob, we shall see.
Updated on February 17, 2018 Flag this
helpfulI usually get an overlapping (where the wires touch at the top) x a narrowed gore (where the actual width is narrowed).
Also don't be afraid of reducing your gore. I get both of those alts and reduce my gore to 6-6.5cm, approx 2.5in. I started orderin a 70M... now I'm at a 65P and looking for my nxt size up x guess what I still wear my gore tht low. I like my cleavage lol, reducing the gore should remove some of that slight gap and allow it to tack.
I'm close set, center full, even fullness and high set if that helps
Perhaps you should try the 30JJ again (perform a really good scoop and swoop lol and determine), but reduce the cups (height), lower the gore, overlap and narrow it and if the straps are too wide bring them in 2-3cm. This will help remove some of the extra fabric/depth that may not be needed. You want to try to get a depth close to your laying perimeter, that can be beneficial for some, but depending on the firmness or softness of your boobs, shape, and preferences your desired depth can vary. on May 12, 2018 Flag this
I'm no help, as I only own one second-hand comexim, but want to second - i think the bra looks lovely on you.
Well, i will say that Comexim has somewhat softer wires than Ewa michalak and esp compared to panache (which are the 2 kinds i mostly wear) so sometimes I think comexims tacking is softer