Bra fitting help » Wide set straps
Ewa Michalak » Ch Karmelki (261) » 65FF 30:8
Issue resolved
I don’t think Ewa will work for me.
Original problem
The straps are SOOOOO wide set! I believe this is a cup size too big. My question: are the straps likely going to be too wide set in CH styles no matter what size?
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Suggestions (1)
helpfulEM has infamously wide-set straps. There is a relation between cup width and strap positioning, so it might be a bit better in a bra with narrower wires if you can do that. Also halfcups and balconettes usually have wider-set straps than plunge and full cups.
Updated on February 7, 2021 Flag this
None of the measurements deal with strap placement specifically. Not sure how that could be measured, honestly.
Thanks for the input. Is there any measurement I can look at to tell on reviews how wide set the straps are? Or just go based upon reviews? I wonder if the styles that’s really aimed at smaller cups are worth trying or if they will also have wide set straps.