Bra fitting help » Nice shape, but gore, top of cups, and band don't fit!
Cleo » Melissa (6991) » 32GG 32:10
Issue resolved
Have stated using my list of suggested bras and ordering 30 bands
Original problem
This bra's gore is too high, and too separate for my close set breasts, which is uncomfortable and creates red marks. I am FOB, and have trouble filling out the pretty red lace at the top of the cup. The band is too loose and does not stay straight across my back. However, this bra does give me a nicer shape than most ( rounded, front and lifted), and I would love to find bras that could give a similar shape without the other problems.
I would love some suggestions of which bras I should try, and what I should look for in general. I have been wearing bras for people with small ribcages and bigger breasts for about 10 years, but still feel very frustrated finding things that fit well and are comfortable. I also prefer a bra that isn't so high that I have to wear a turtle neck with it. And I am in dire need of a light colored t-shirt bra. Feel free to look at the other bra pictures in my profile to see the motley collection of ill fitting bras I currently own.
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Suggestions (3)
helpfulSo, every 32 you've entered is too loose, and you havent entered any 30s, and your 28s seem to be the wrong cup size? If you fit the cups of a 32GG, you should try 30H or 28HH. But your measurements indicate 30 should be your best size and you have none.
There are some FOB cleo bras - i am not fob so i dont know which - when i was trying to find new bras, i would enter my size and 'bra' in the amazon search, and after i found bras available and maybe on sale in my size, i'd come read reviews here to see how it fits
i have very soft breasts and prefer high gores to keep them apart - my tissue touches, but is soft enough that it can be comfortably separated
i just tried an ewa michalak PL - which is a padded plunge. it doesnrt really work for me but you might like it. of course you have to order it from poland
Updated on July 26, 2017 Flag this
helpfulFull on bottom, tall roots, high set I would say. I suggest CK Ellace in 30GG or H, Princess Plunge in same sizes (more open on top than the Daisy Plunge you tried). Comexim halfcups might also be good for you.
Updated on July 26, 2017 Flag this
helpfulI don't think you're full on bottom - Melissa is best for full on top shapes and while it is loose on top, it's not extremely loose or wrinkly. I'd guess you have even fullness. Cleo Hettie/Kayla would be a good bra to try as far as balconettes. For a lower and softer gore, try Freya unlined plunges and plunge balconies.
Updated on July 31, 2017 Flag this